




Delete items of an class's array from a view... (?)
Hi I am really new coding in swift so sorry if I'm asking something stupid. But I can't see the error or the solution an I don't know what to do :( I have this class and structure : @Published var items : [Items] = [] @Published var showButtons = false func addItem(id: Int, category: String, image: String) { items.append(Piercing(id: id, category: [category], image: image)) } func deleteItem(item: Item) { if let index = items.firstIndex(of: item) { item.remove(at: index) } } init() { } } struct Item: Identifiable, Decodable, Equatable { var id: Int var category: [String] var image: String } then I create a view for this: struct ItemView: View { var item: Item @State private var position = CGPoint(x: 100, y: 100) @ObservedObject var items: ItemModel = .init() @State var showButtons = false var body: some View { if items.showButtons { Button (role: .destructive) { withAnimation {items.deleteItem(item: item)} } label:{ Image(systemName: "trash") .font(.body) .bold() } } VStack { Image(item.image) .resizable() .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) .position(position) .onTapGesture(count: 1, perform: { withAnimation { items.showButtons.toggle()} }) } } } in my ContentView I have this @StateObject var items: ItemModel = .init() Right, from another View I add Items to ContentView perfectly, and from the ContentView I can deleteItems too... but I want to add a button in this view can't delete item from the button I have in this view calling deleteItem function from here... Any idea of what I'm doing in a wrong way... really thanks!
Nov ’23