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I’m trying to implement background refresh functionality, it will be calling at regular interval of 30min. I’ve created a BG task schedular request and mentioned earlier begin date also. It’s working while debugging but not working on device keeping in background. Registering the task on AppDelegate didFinishWith options BGTaskScheduler.shared.register( forTaskWithIdentifier: “IDENTIFIER”, using: ) { task in refreshFunctionality() } Submitting refresh task request while app going to background let request = BGAppRefreshTaskRequest(identifier: "IDENTIFIER") request.earliestBeginDate = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 30 * 60) do { try BGTaskScheduler.shared.submit(request) } catch { print("Could not schedule app refresh: \(error)") }Thank you..!
by go7202.
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Hello,I want to get a certificates installed in profiles ios, currently we are fetching the available certificates from Mac Keychain like below, is there something like this iOS?Thank you!OSStatus status; SecKeychainSearchRef search = NULL; status = SecKeychainSearchCreateFromAttributes(NULL, kSecCertificateItemClass, NULL, &search); if (status != errSecSuccess) { [self logMessageForStatus:status functionName:@"SecKeychainSearchCreateFromAttributes()"]; return nil; } SecKeychainItemRef searchItem = NULL; while (SecKeychainSearchCopyNext(search, &searchItem) != errSecItemNotFound) { SecKeychainAttributeList attrList; CSSM_DATA certData; attrList.count = 0; attrList.attr = NULL; status = SecKeychainItemCopyContent(searchItem, NULL, &attrList, (UInt32 *)(&certData.Length), (void **)(&certData.Data));
by go7202.
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10 Replies
Hello,My application showing the obtained from unknown in system_profile, even though it is signed by proper Mac Developer Certificate.AT&T Global Network Client: Version: 2.1.0 Obtained from: Unknown Last Modified: 8/5/19, 11:40 AM Signed by: Mac Developer: *********** (**********), Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority, Apple Root CA Location: /Applications/AT&T Global Network Client/AT&T Global Network Kind: 64-bitWhen I tried to open the .pkg file, getting the above warning, application is a 64 bit. Coudn't figure out, what went wrong, kind of struck here, any help would be appreciated.Much Thaks,Ganesh.
by go7202.
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Hello,On iOS beta 13, I have installed my existing VPN application, and testing the regular behavior.When user tries to make a connection it requires the allow permission,"*** Would like to Add Vpn Configurations"All network activity on this ipad may be filtered or monitored when using VPN.Allow Dont AllowAfter clicks the allow permission it takes to the Settings page and suppose to prompt for the password,But here in iOS beta 13, it takes to the settings page and prompts nothing, and it just stays like that. Its absolutely unexpected behaviour.
by go7202.
Last updated