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To interact with an entity you need to generate collision shapes: let model = try await ModelEntity(named: modelName) model.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: true) model.components.set([InputTargetComponent()]) add a rotate gesture to your reality view .gesture(RotateGesture().targetedToAnyEntity().onChanged({ value in //access the entity targeted with value.entity and the angle with value.rotation.radians })) On a simulator press the option key and rotate.
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Remove the root from the name and you don't need to include the format. Try the following: let audioFilePath = "back-yard-feb-7am"
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Here is the memory graph: I've tried canceling the objectCaptureSession : objectCaptureSession?.cancel() objectCaptureSession = nil and detaching the listeners for sub in subscriptions { sub.cancel() } subscriptions = Set<AnyCancellable>() Could it be a leak in the ARCoachingOverlayView?
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Yes, you can ask the user to create a username as long as it is not an email.
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this fixes the issue only if your app has a logical use for background audio
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Sometimes this happens too [aurioc]AURemoteIO.cpp:1086:Initialize: failed: 561015905 (enable 2, outf&lt; 2 ch,   0 Hz, Float32, non-inter&gt; inf&lt; 2 ch,   0 Hz, Float32, non-inter&gt;) [aurioc] AURemoteIO.cpp:1086:Initialize: failed: 561015905 (enable 2, outf&lt; 2 ch, 44100 Hz, Float32, non-inter&gt; inf&lt; 2 ch,   0 Hz, Float32, non-inter&gt;) [avae]      AVAEInternal.h:109  [ (err = PerformCommand(*outputNode, kAUInitialize, NULL, 0)): error 561015905
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16 Replies
Same issue here, still not fixed. Everything is working great everywhere but not on the app review network. Is the app review team part of apple or a third party? Clearly no communication. I am submitting a fix for a serious crash... they don't care. The reviewer doesn't even reply in resolution center. I understand it can take time and hard work to fix the backend but at least let the reviewers know. Any updates?