




Trace/BPT trap: 5
Hi there, I am developing an iOS app and while building my project I run into the following error message: Error: Trace/BPT trap: 5 I didn't find anything online to fix this problem, so I wanted to know, if anyone here might be able to help. I also had issues with Cocoapods and my Silicon Mac, so I want to list my steps I've tried fixing: First my setup: M1 MacBook Pro, macOS 11.1 XCode Version 12.4 Cocoapods with Pods for Firebase Swift, Auth, Firestore and Storage Steps I tried fixing: cmd + shift + k for cleaning the build folder closing XCode and opening Terminal using Rosetta delete ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Derived Data - Folder pod deintegrate in project directory delete Podfile.lock, app.xcworkspace, Pods directory pod install in app and pods projects build settings setting Excluded Architectures for any iOS Simulator SDK to arm64 setting Build Active Architecture Only to yes convert Pods Project to Swift 5 build Pods Project build app project And then the attached error down below occurs. I hope someone can help me fixing this, because I already wasted so much time on that and have a deadline on that app, because it is a project for university.. Merge swiftmodule (x86_64) log output - I read, that the error occured while serializing the class BaseViewModel, so I'll attach my code from Base.swift containing that class as well. Base.swift -
Jan ’21