




Reply to Trying to redirect the user to the home page after signing up
It is presented modally. As in if the user clicks the sign up button on the regular sign in screen it brings up a modal sign up screen. I have a felling this could be happening because the login func is in app delegate. I am trying to figure out the syntax for moving it to scene delegate because I am trying to find out if there is a version of “UIApplication.shared.delegate” to reference scene delegate instead. Hope that helps.
Jul ’20
Reply to I am trying to redirect to a different view controller when a user clicks on a picture that is part of a cell
The click should be registered when the user clicks the picture. This is the function override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) { 				 				print("clicked	did select") 				// send post uuid to "postuuid" variable 				postuuid.append(uuidArray[indexPath.row]) 				 				// navigate to post view controller 				let post = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "postVC") as! postVC 				self.navigationController?.pushViewController(post, animated: true) 		}
Jul ’20
Reply to I am trying to redirect to a different view controller when a user clicks on a picture that is part of a cell
That did not work. Could it be because the tap gets intercepted by some of the gesture recognizers. I have 3 in local scope inside the class but not inside a function. let postsTap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(homeVC.postsTap)) 						postsTap.numberOfTapsRequired = 1 						header.posts.isUserInteractionEnabled = true 						header.posts.addGestureRecognizer(postsTap) 		 						let followersTap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(homeVC.followersTap)) 						followersTap.numberOfTapsRequired = 1 						header.followers.isUserInteractionEnabled = true 						header.followers.addGestureRecognizer(followersTap) 				 						 						let followingsTap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(homeVC.followingsTap)) 						followingsTap.numberOfTapsRequired = 1 						header.followings.isUserInteractionEnabled = true 						header.followings.addGestureRecognizer(followingsTap) 				 						return header
Jul ’20