I would like to use a context menu item to navigate into a different view.
.contextMenu {
Button {
// Navigate to a view
} label: {
Label("Add to playlist", systemImage: "music.note.list")
There are multiple items in the context menu. I have tried to wrap the button into a NavigationLink but there is no response when selecting the context menu item.
I have a list of songs in a queue, deleting a single item with a swipe in edit mode shows strange behavior.
The item shortly reappears after deletion, then disappears again.
.onDelete { indexSet in
deleteQueueItemAt(indexSet: indexSet)
func deleteQueueItemAt(indexSet: IndexSet) {
musicPlayer.perform { queue in
var itemToRemove : MPMediaItem = MPMediaItem()
indexSet.sorted(by: > ).forEach { (i) in
itemToRemove = queue.items[i + 1]
for item in queue.items {
if item.persistentID == itemToRemove.persistentID
} completionHandler: { queue, error in
if error != nil {
I have a simple View to retrieve User Input. I would like my TextField to span multiple lines. Any help is appreciated.
TextField("Content", text: $updatedReminderContent)
.onAppear {
self.updatedReminderContent = self.reminder.content!
I have a simple detail view where users can input data. After pressing the save button, I would like the app to navigate back to the previous list view. The detail view is opened through a NavigationLink. I assume the action for the button needs to be adjusted in some way. Any advice is appreciated.
I am using a Textfield control in my detail view.
TextField("Title", text: self.$newReminderTitle).font(.title)
However, the foregroundColor property is not applied to the default placeholder text that describes the name of the property (in this case "Title" is always shown in light gray)
Is there a way to change this?
Is there a standard, generic way to implement a Swift UI dropdown for an iOS app? I've been searching the documentation and the only viable option appears to be the Picker, but I'd prefer to avoid it.
I was able to find a walkthrough on how to make one from scratch using a set of button controls. Is this good practice or should I use the picker instead?