




App Review - Background Audio capabilities not accepted
Hi,I have asubmitted an application to teh App Review Board. They have rejected the app with the following reason:"Your app declares support for audio in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist but did not include features that require persistent audio."My app uses audio recording in the background and asks the user for microphone permissions when they first use the application. I have also appealed the decision but they say that the way we are using audio in the background is not acceptable and still rejected the app. I am happy to make any changes that may be needed but I want clarification on what the problem is because according to the guidlines for background excecution, what I am doing is acceptable. Does anyone know how I can talk to an Apple engineer for her/him to explain to me what needs to be done? I am stuck and we have spent over a year developing this app. Best,Feras A.
Nov ’17