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I'm writing some PHP code in my server in order to use the Apple devicecheck service when getting a request from my iOS app. When testing locally (dev environment) everything seems to work fine, however when testing from my online host the connection to the Apple service is failing with the error: cURL error 35: error:0A000152:SSL routines::unsafe legacy renegotiation disabled Has anyone else encountered this issue with DeviceCheck? From what I've been able to investigate, it seems that the issue is related to the OpenSSL versions in the client (in this case, my online host) and the server (Apple servers), with the latter being on a lower patch version. This is causing the connection to fail with the 'unsafe legacy renegotiation disabled' error message. If this is indeed the cause of the issue, is there no other solution than to wait for Apple to patch their servers? Or is there something that I can do on my end to resolve this? Any help or guidance would be appreciated.
by fcollf.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
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Using the new SwiftUI Charts framework, we can make a chart bigger than the visible screen and place it into a ScrollView to make it scrollable. Something like this: var body : some View { GeometryReader { proxy in ScrollView(.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) { Chart { ForEach(data) { entry in // ... } } .frame(width: proxy.size.width * 2) } } } Does anybody know if it is possible to programmatically move the scroll to display a certain area of the chart? I've tried using ScrollViewReader, setting the IDs at the x-axis labels, and trying to use the scrollTo function to navigate to any of those positions with no luck: Chart { /// ... } .chartXAxis { AxisMarks(values: .stride(by: .day)) { value in if let date : Date = { Text(date, style: .date) .font(.footnote) } } }
by fcollf.
Last updated