




Reply to .alignmentGuide modifier causes consistent app crash when Swift 6 language mode is enabled
I've had the same problem with the 16.0 RC but while using my own custom AlignmentID. Unfortunately, removing explicit checks for == nil didn't work, but I did eventually figure out I could make the Alignment nonisolated and that appears to have fixed the problem. extension HorizontalAlignment { private enum MyAlignment: AlignmentID { static func defaultValue(in context: ViewDimensions) -> CGFloat { context[] } } nonisolated // Crashes without this static let myAlignment = HorizontalAlignment(MyAlignment.self) }
Sep ’24
Reply to Price Locale not available in Product
Yeah, there's no way to get the locale at the moment. I've filed a feature request for that (FB9747367) and I suggest you do the same. For now, I load a product using the original StoreKit APIs and pull the locale from that. It's kind of annoying, and seems a little silly, but it gets the job done and gets the correct locale. The big use case for this for me is to show the monthly price for a yearly subscription. There's no way to format that correctly without knowing the locale.
Jan ’22