




Reply to iOS 14 SDK Changes
Here is how to get there: At the top of this same page, click on "Develop" Click on "Documentation" Click on "Technologies" In the dropdown, select a version to highlight changes At this point, you should be able to scroll down the list, expanding each framework to see the changes (modifications, additions and deprecations). Alternatively, you can directly navigate to a framework documentation page, and select one of the available options from the API changes dropdown. Example for UIKit:
Oct ’20
Reply to Library/SPM issue with latest Xcode 11.4 beta
This error still appears in Xcode 11.4 beta 4. It seems to happen when the main target A imports another target B, a dynamic framework, and both of them import a static library C.Dependency graph:A -> BA -> CB -> CIt seems like removing the static library C dependency from the main target A solves the issue.Updated dependency graph:A -> BB -> CHope this helps!
Mar ’20