Any other solutions? I've cleared the recents, emptied the cache folder, etc. Just get the spinner.
In another thread you referenced Technical Note TN2311 which ends with "All other App IDs will require the assistance of the member center maintainers"
Since my app doesn't use the keychain, can I just ignore that warning going forward since the update is using the team id? Meaning the solution here really is to do nothing?
Not shipping yet. Just decided to update my "apps" that I haven't touched in years. Thanks for the help and the link!
Deep inside that it mentioned updating the command-line tools. I think I have those installed just because of HomeBrew maybe?
For others who are overwhelmed by how much gets put into the console and find that filtering by lldb is being over-overwhelmed by this error. I put my normal lldb filter, that then added !the replacement path doesn't exist to it.
Since I'm getting for every macro use, I'm worried that the macros might not be working reliably anymore though.
This didn't get me developer mode, but it made the privacy report button work now. So I guess that's progress.
Weird that I always end up at a Quinn response. On Xcode 15.1 the iOS setting doesn't seem to know the locale, so try Decimal("$100.25", format: .currency(code: "USD")) works on macOS but fails on iOS, and I can't see how to specify the locale. Plus it seems to default to iOS.