Hi @stasel,
Any luck on solving this? I'm running into the same issue. There is unfortunately no option under the "Embed" column within the "General" tab > "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content" to "Embed and Sign" and/or "Embed without Signing" as is available with source-compiled packages that are added to the app target. Drag-and-drop works, but the absolute path is hardcoded to the build location under the DerivedData folder so the changes cannot be used outside of my machine.
Does anyone have any updates on this? This is currently a blocker for us in migrating from CocoaPods over to SwiftPM. Thanks.
Hi opi-smccoole, Thanks for the heads up! Agreed, code signing is where things get tricky. Thank you for filing those issues and fingers crossed they get addressed in a timely manner. 🤞
The problem still exists in Beta 4 for me as well. Here's another thread referencing a couple issues filed on swift.org regarding this problem: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/652873
Still experiencing this in Xcode 12 Beta 5.
Still experiencing this in Xcode 12 Beta 5.
Same here. We started seeing this error in the logs on Jan 5, 2022. The error is also accompanied with a top-level workflow error stating:
"The Archive - macOS action could not complete due to an error. Something went wrong and the Xcode Cloud team has been notified to investigate. The error may not occur on rebuild."
This problem started occurring on both iOS and macOS workflows, and subsequent rebuilds have not completed successfully.
Bugs can be submitted using the Feedback Assistant tool:
General Overview: https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/
Web app: https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/
Instructions for installing/accessing the native app (from overview page): "The app requires iOS 12.4 or later, iPadOS 13 or later, or macOS Catalina or later. On beta versions of iOS and iPadOS, the app is available by default on the home screen. On publicly released versions of iOS and iPadOS, you can enable the app by installing a beta profile. All versions of macOS include the app in /System/Library/CoreServices/Applications, and it can be launched with Spotlight or the URL scheme applefeedback://. When enrolling a macOS system in beta builds with the Beta Access Utility, the app is added to the Dock and aliased in /Utilities."
I submitted a new bug using the tool this morning. Wouldn't hurt for others to file their own versions as well.
Looks like things are working again. Apple responded to my Feedback ticket this morning stating there was a known outage that has since been resolved. Artifacts are now saving correctly and builds no longer time out.
I just submitted another ticket as well: https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/9878685
Experiencing the same issue on Feb 2. System status page shows all systems green. New issue filed here: https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/9878685