I have the same problems.
"estimated" NSCollectionLayoutSize dimension working bad. As I can see, it adds every estimated width/height as a constraint, which creates conflicts. ( which in my case also leads to a huge freeze).
Introduced in ios13, already ios15 coming, still not working well :(
It still appears 2-3 times a week, a need to waste approx 0,5 hours to fix it every time.
Please, fix this problem in Xcode, Apple developers :)
any update on this? isn't that problem similar to that you had problems with buttons and navigationLinks? Guys had so much time to implement SwiftUI, but as developer-user I still can't normally and stable hide keyboard by any technique they provide. tapping outside doesn't work for 'focused' when it is a list somewhy, the close button on the toolbar disappears when I return to screen. nice.