
Post not yet marked as solved
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My iPhone is busy: Making the device ready for development This is a constant issue that happens almost every time I want to build. Have tried: Hard resetting iPhone Forgetting iPhone & re setting it up Re installing Xcode Restarting Mac
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Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
After presenting the GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController, it displays completed games and when I slide to the right to remove one and then tap Remove, the game disappears & than reappears.If I then do that once more I get this error:[Error] Extension request interrupted with error: Error Domain=ExtensionErrorDomain Code=-5900 "(null)"If I close & re-open the game, that completed match is still listed. The removal process only works if I tap the "i" button and then tap the Remove button.I'm not sure what could be causing this other than a bug with GameKit? Or I've incorrectly set a delegate, or I haven't added a callback of some kind? Here is the code I'm using to present the VC:@IBActionfunc StartMultiplayerMatch () { GKLocalPlayer.local.unregisterAllListeners() GKLocalPlayer.local.register(self) let RequestMatch = GKMatchRequest() RequestMatch.minPlayers = 2 RequestMatch.maxPlayers = 2 RequestMatch.playerGroup = 1 let gameCenterVC = GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController(matchRequest: RequestMatch) gameCenterVC.turnBasedMatchmakerDelegate = self present(gameCenterVC, animated: true, completion: nil) }Any help would be very much appreciated, as I'm very much stuck with this and feel my next step will have to be using a developer technical support ticket.
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