
Post marked as solved
12 Replies
If I can't check if two drawings are "equal," what would be the best way to see if one drawing is exactly the same as the other? My use case is that a user can create a drawing and come back to edit it later. However, I also include undo and redo buttons, and I don't want my user to have the ability to save a change to their drawing that they undid.
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15 Replies
I don't really feel comfortable giving my email address, but the project should be accessible on my Github: under the Firebrase branch.
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I'm running it on a simulator. It is iOS 13.
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I just copied and pasted this exact code aside from the setTempData, and I don't see the pens at the bottom.
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15 Replies
Yep, I just copied and pasted your version of the code, and it's still not showing up. I can draw on the canvas. It's just there's no toolPicker.
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15 Replies
canvasView is initalized in viewDidLoad:canvasView = PKCanvasView(frame: view.bounds)