I have a SettingsView to let the user change the color scheme for the app, I store the user selection using @AppStorage, then i adjust the preferredColorScheme for the SettingsView using the value from @AppStorage, everything is working good because I change the view appearance based on the @AppStorage value and not the colorScheme environment property, if i try to do so, it wont work. preferredColorScheme is not being updated when AppStorage value changes, but when i exit the view and open it again.
I have a SettingsView to let the user change the color scheme for the app, I store the user selection using @AppStorage, then i adjust the preferredColorScheme for the SettingsView using the value from @AppStorage, everything is working good because I change the view appearance based on the @AppStorage value and not the colorScheme environment property, if i try to do so, it wont work. preferredColorScheme is not being updated when AppStorage value changes, but when i exit the view and open it again.
For some reason, it is working perfectly on the preview but not in the simulator itself.
import SwiftUI
struct SettingsView: View {
@State private var isPresentPrivacyPolicy = false
@State private var isPresentTermsOfUse = false
@AppStorage("selectedColorScheme") private var selectedColorScheme = "Light"
var body: some View {
ZStack {
if selectedColorScheme == "Dark" {
} else {
List {
Section {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "doc.text.magnifyingglass")
Button("Privacy Policy") {
isPresentPrivacyPolicy = true
HStack {
Image(systemName: "doc.plaintext")
Button("Terms of use") {
isPresentTermsOfUse = true
} header: {
.listRowBackground(selectedColorScheme == "Dark" ? Theme.listDarkBackground : Theme.listLightBackground)
Section {
Picker("Color Scheme", selection: $selectedColorScheme) {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "sun.max")
HStack {
Image(systemName: "moon")
} header: {
.listRowBackground(selectedColorScheme == "Dark" ? Theme.listDarkBackground : Theme.listLightBackground)
.preferredColorScheme(selectedColorScheme == "Dark" ? .dark : .light)
.sheet(isPresented: $isPresentTermsOfUse) {
NavigationStack {
WebView(url: URL(string: "example.com")!)
.sheet(isPresented: $isPresentPrivacyPolicy) {
NavigationStack {
WebView(url: URL(string: "example.com")!)
struct Settings_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
I'm new to swiftUI, I'm trying to understand a little how the View protocol from SwiftUI works. So we have this:
protocol View {
associatedType Body: View
var body: Self.Body {get}
I have two questions:
Is Body placeholder replaced with the actual View type (for example Text, Button, Image, VStack, etc?)
What does "Self.Body" means?
Please try to explain the best and deepest you can for a newbie.