
Post marked as solved
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I know this is old subject but since I was looking myself how to release free space since some apps that check available space doesn't take into consideration dynamic purgeable space. Most efficient solution I found was following: Open Terminal from Launchpad or Spotlight. Paste the command into Terminal: mkdir ~/largefiles. (This will create a new folder named largefiles in your home directory.) Execute the command: dd if=/dev/random of=~/largefiles/largefile bs=15m. (This will create a file called largefile in the largefiles folder, which contains the random output from /dev/random.) Note: Your Terminal may look frozen as the command is running. A few minutes later, press Ctrl + C in the Terminal to stop the command from Step 3. You can monitor increasing size of your new file by running "ls -lah ~/largefiles" in another terminal window Run the command: cp ~/largefiles/largefile ~/largefiles/largefile2. Repeate command by diplicating largefile until you will up whole your free space and reduce purgeable space to almost zero. Once you see a message telling you that the disk is critically low, run the command: rm -rf ~/largefiles/ to delete all of the largefiles from your Mac. Empty your Trash. this way it works flawlessly to reduce your purgeable space to minimum.