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Our project had already been using xcodebuild with '-scheme ', but fails now from the command line after we have added SPM dependencies. The build failures are all from trying to resolve GitHub repo dependencies for swift packages we're now using. Building from within the Xcode IDE works just fine opening the same 'project_name.xcworkspace' and building the same schemes. The first thing the IDE does when opening the workspace is resolve the SPM dependencies, before any attempt to do a debug or archive build. There is probably an xcodebuild option that does the same pre-flight SPM dependency check before trying to build the specified scheme. Unfortunately, I've not discovered what that magic incantation is yet. A work-a-round we're using for now is our build scripts open the *.xcworkspace first to let the IDE gather together the SPM dependencies, then we can use xcodebuild to produce our archive and debug builds.
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Some of what I’m seeing is user error on my part. The more I use this latest iOS 16 beta I realize you can both show and hide notifications while remaining on the lock screen in iOS 16. On iOS 16 and on previous public iOS versions, your new un-read notifications list has always been immediately visible when you tap to wake the phone; with the existing behavior of some of your notifications configured to show some on lock screen while others don’t show on the lock screen. On iOS 16 and previous public iOS versions, while on the unlocked lock screen, you can swipe up from the middle of the screen to get the list of notifications (aka the Notification Center). But being able to swipe down to hide the notification list while remaining on the lock screen is new to iOS 16. To get a sanity check, I went to my wife’s iPhone, which is running the regular public iOS 15.6.1. On iOS 15.x, there is no way to hide the notification list again while remaining on the unlocked lock screen. Note that I’m not talking CLEAR the notification list. Just show/hide it while remaining on the unlocked lock screen. I still don’t know why some of the notification tiles are translucent while others are fully opaque and viewable on the unlocked lock screen. that’s probably user error too and I’m missing something obvious there too.
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23 Replies
found a now unnecessary workaround ... I downgraded my iPhone XI to the public iOS 14.1 (18a84395) using the .ipsw here on and [understandably] I stopped getting not getting the, "Please update from the iOS 14 beta" alert dialog anymore. I restored from the .ipsw using Catalina via the standard device window built-into the Finder. For safety sake I did a full back up iCloud *and* a full local backup from the device. Specific iPhone XI model, A2160 MW9G2LL/A. Had previously been on iOS 14.2 beta 4. Restore from .ipsw completed without any problems. Alas, after going through all this today, I then discovered that Apple released a release candidate of iOS 14.2 today (10/30) that fixes the iOS 14 beta update dialog. So if you haven't already, check for updates and/or manually update to iOS 14.2 release candidate (18B91).
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23 Replies
Very annoying indeed. Especially when it’s apparently not easily correctable. Beta software ... c’est la vie. If you haven’t done so already, create a bug in Apple’s feedback app to report the problem.