




Previews doesn't work in package target's subdirectory
I'm trying to preview a view from a swift package which is located in one of the target's directory subdirectories: . ├── Package.swift ├── └── Sources 		└── SatelitUI 				└── Views 						└── MenuBar.swift When I'm previewing a view from the MenuBar.swift file I'm getting following error: NoBuildableEntriesError: active scheme does not build this file Select a scheme that builds a target which contains the current file, or add this file to a target that is built by the current scheme. Which is unexpected because the file should be a part of the SatelitUI target. The thing is it works just fine if I move it into the root target's directory (SatelitUI).
Jun ’20
LinkDylibError when previewing SwiftUI view from a package.
I have two (local) Swift packages (both with a single library product): RemoteImage, which defines setImage(from:) function on UIImageView and SatelitUI package which directly depends on the first one and defines some views. But when I'm trying to preview views from the second package I'm getting the following error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) LinkDylibError: Failed to build TrailerView.swift Linking failed: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F/Applications/' Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:   "(extension in RemoteImage):__C.UIImageView.setImage(from: Foundation.URL?) -> ()", referenced from:       (extension in SatelitUI_PreviewReplacement_TrailerView_2):SatelitUI.TrailerView.(previewupdate in _8C3731B0EF007627509BEEB93277D681)(with: SatelitUI.Trailer?) -> () in TrailerView.2.preview-thunk.o ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) Apparently, Xcode fails to link the library from the first package because it's dynamic. Static linking works as expected. It's a bug I believe?
Jun ’20