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I've posted an article in which I go through the process of setting up an app and creating a 2D floor plan using SpriteKit:
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I’ve updated the solution with a sample project:
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I've created a project that creates a 2D floor plan out of RoomPlan data. I hope this answers anyone's questions. An article explaining every step is on its way.
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I'm aware my explanation is not the clearest. I'll write an article about this to explain things more clearly and provide a sample project.
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To clarify, the code below will generate SKShapeNodes for all walls captured in the CapturedRoom attribute. It uses the extensions mentioned in my previous answer. Hope this'll help. class Walls: SKNode { init() { for wall in CapturedRoom.walls { let wallNode = SKNode() addChild(wallNode) // Position wallNode wallNode.position.x = -CGFloat(wall.transform.position.x) * 200 wallNode.position.y = CGFloat(wall.transform.position.z) * 200 wallNode.zRotation = -CGFloat(wall.transform.eulerAngles.z - wall.transform.eulerAngles.y) // Create the path for the wall let surfacePath = CGMutablePath() let span = CGFloat(wall.dimensions.x) * 200 / 2 surfacePath.move(to: CGPoint(x: -span, y: 0)) surfacePath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: span, y: 0)) // Draw the wall using an SKShapeNode and the path let wallShape = SKShapeNode(path: surfacePath) wallShape.strokeColor = .white wallShape.lineWidth = 5 wallShape.lineCap = .square wallNode.addChild(wallShape) } } }
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I've found a solution for this. As suggested, the simd_float4x4 matrix is the key to the solution here. Using SpriteKit I've created my 2D map using RoomPlan data. To start with, I've created a couple of extensions for simd_float4x4. These extract the data we need from the metrix so it's easier to work with: extension simd_float4x4 {     var eulerAngles: simd_float3 {         simd_float3(             x: asin(-self[2][1]),             y: atan2(self[2][0], self[2][2]),             z: atan2(self[0][1], self[1][1])         )     }     var position: simd_float3 {         simd_float3(x: self.columns.3.x,                     y: self.columns.3.y,                     z: self.columns.3.z         )     }     var positionVector: SCNVector3 {         SCNVector3(x: self.columns.3.x,                    y: self.columns.3.y,                    z: self.columns.3.z         )     } } To build my 2D map in SpriteKit, I created a separate SKNode for every RoomPlan surface. In each node I set the correct position and rotation using the sims_float4x4 matrix, create a path using the dimensions and draw the surface using an SKShapeNode. Using the eulerAngles and position extensions, I set the correct rotation and position of every surface: // Position surface position.x = -CGFloat(transform.position.x) * mapScale position.y = CGFloat(transform.position.z) * mapScale zRotation = -CGFloat(transform.eulerAngles.z - transform.eulerAngles.y) The mapScale is just a scaling factor I applied. The measurements that come out of RoomPlan are in meters. In SpriteKit they're in points. If you don't apply a scale, the whole map will display within a few pixels. Setting the mapScale to 100-300 will do fine, depending on the device's screen size and SpriteKit camera. The x position is the same in both RoomPlan's and SpriteKit's coordinate system. In RoomPlan however, the x- and y-axis are horizontal and vertical and the z-axis is the "depth" axis. We're interested in the "top" view, ignoring RoomPlan's y-axis so we'll need to use the z value for SpriteKit's y component (I hope my explanation makes any sense :p). The surfaceRotation is a weird one. I still don't fully get why this works like this, but it does xd. As pointed out by @ArthurPhilipenko the matrix only tells us about the position and rotation of the surface which will result in a point in space, but not a line, like we want to draw. For this, we also need the "dimension" component from the RoomPlan surface. This is a simd_float3. Using this dimension component, we can draw a line using the width of the surface (or the dimension.x) and positioning it equally on both sides of out position and rotation point of the node. // Create surface path let surfacePath = CGMutablePath() let span = CGFloat(dimensions.x) * mapScale / 2 surfacePath.move(to: CGPoint(x: -span, y: 0)) surfacePath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: span, y: 0)) Finally, I create a SKShapeNode to draw the line on the screen: // Draw surface path func draw() { let surfaceShape = SKShapeNode(path: surfacePath) surfaceShape.strokeColor = surfaceColor surfaceShape.lineWidth = wallThickness surfaceShape.lineCap = .square addChild(surfaceShape) } If you do this for every surface you'll get a nice 2D map using the 3D RoomPlan data.
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I've posted a solution to this in this similar post:
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To illustrate in code:let emitter = SKEmitterNode(fileNamed: "FireWork_Flare_Standard") emitter?.particleColorSequence?.setKeyframeValue(, for: 1)