
Post not yet marked as solved
7 Replies
I found the issue. iOS13 doesn't show up custom keyboard with bundle id that starts with mn.*. It will normally work if you change bundle id which without starting with mn.*. For example mn.ikon.mglkeyboard -> ikon.mgkeyboard. I've sent up bug report, and still waiting response from Apple. Монгол хэл оруулахдаа нэг салгалсан юм нь mn.* эхэлсэн bundle id-тай бүх 3rd party keyboard-ыг ажиллахгүй болгоод хаячихсан байх юм. Уйддийму яаадын ккк, эсвэл албаар юм уу бүү мэд
Post not yet marked as solved
7 Replies
I have'nt found solution. Did you solve?I wonder what is difference between our extension and Gboard and swiftkey. They work normal iOS 13.