
Post marked as Apple Recommended
This seems to be incorrect.Following the instructions here we were able to get our sendgrid emails work properly with the relay service.We also have send emails through a third party service using SalesForce. And we were able to send emails through the relay after registering and verifying our sending domain with Apple.
Post not yet marked as solved
13 Replies
I was also getting this issue. Contacting Apple Developer Program support revealed the following:1. A downloaded domain verification file is valid for only 7 days. 2. The latest file downloaded should be available for verification. If you download more than one file in a 7 day period, only the latest file should be placed in the given location. 3. The verification will fail if you place any file other than the latest domain verification file downloaded during this 7 day period.Information I can't find documented anywhere.In my case our file had expired. Generating a new file, uploading it to the domain and trying the verification again before it expired again worked.
Post not yet marked as solved
27 Replies
I was also getting this issue. Contacting Apple Developer Program support revealed the following:1. A downloaded domain verification file is valid for only 7 days. 2. The latest file downloaded should be available for verification. If you download more than one file in a 7 day period, only the latest file should be placed in the given location. 3. The verification will fail if you place any file other than the latest domain verification file downloaded during this 7 day period.Information I can't find documented anywhere.In my case our file had expired. Generating a new file, uploading it to the domain and trying the verification again before it expired again worked.