




MusicKit: Artist MusicItemID is not the same between Library and Catalog. Is there a way to map them?
So I understand that MusicItemID is a unique object identifier so for one specific artist; they have a different MusicItemID from Library than from Catalog. But if I'm trying to implement a feature that allows users to add UNIQUE Artists to a list, whether it be from Library or Catalog; how am I supposed to differentiate between the Library Artist and Catalog Artist? In this scenario, there is no way for me to identify that an Artist from Library is the same Artist from Catalog because the MusicItemID is not the same; so it's not possible for me to omit duplicates from the list as I cannot identify if they are representing the same Artist. This is an extremely big blocker as I want users to have the option to access from library and catalog. I've looked over the documentation but can't find anything that would allow me to do this sort of mapping to match Artists between Library and Catalog. Using name comparison also is not a valid option as Artist names are not unique. Any advice or workarounds would be appreciated, thank you.
Sep ’23