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What does your Xcode > Settings > Platforms tab look like? It's possible that you need to remove existing simulators and re-install them. Don't just click "Get" next to everything; remove other instances of the same version first so you end up with just one. This is my Platforms tab, and in this example I would remove the "watchOS 10.4 Simulator", then get "watchOS 10.4".
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The link you provided to the documentation says, "The date when the user last played the song on this device." (my emphasis). Is it possible that the song has never been played on the particular device you're using? Is it a Simulator, for example?
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Why do you have so much whitespace in your code? To make it more readable, cut down on the excessive use of the space character. You don't need to put Group {} around your code. You should use Group {} when you want to apply the same modifiers to the items within. For example, these are equivalent: Group { Text("1") Text("2") } .foregroundStyle( // ... and ... Text("1") .foregroundStyle( Text("2") .foregroundStyle( This works for me: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State var text: Array<String> = [] @State var showSheet = false @State var textItemTemp = "" var body: some View { NavigationView { if text.count <= 1 { Text("no items") } else { List { ForEach(0...text.count - 1, id: \.self) {i in. // -- NOTE: This is 0 to (array length - 1), i.e. if array length is 10, it's 0...9 not 1...9 Text(text[i]) .contextMenu { Button(action: { text.remove(at: i) }, label: { Label("Delete", systemImage: "delete.left") }) } } } } } .navigationTitle("Idea Book") .toolbar { Button(action: { showSheet.toggle() textItemTemp = "" }, label: { Image(systemName: "plus") }) } .onChange(of: text) { save() load() } .onAppear() { save() load() } .refreshable { save() load() } .sheet(isPresented: $showSheet) { NavigationView { List { TextField("Item", text: $textItemTemp) } .navigationTitle("Add an Idea") .toolbar { Button("add") { text.append(textItemTemp) showSheet.toggle() } } } } } func save() { let temp = text.joined(separator: "/[split]/") UserDefaults.standard.set(temp, forKey: "text") } func load() { let temp = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "text") ?? "" let tempArray = temp.components(separatedBy:"/[split]/") text = tempArray } } #Preview { ContentView() }
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According to Apple's iPadOS website here, iPadOS 17 is compatible with the iPad mini 5th-gen or later, not 4th-gen. Aside from that, please don't attach random tags to your posts. Foundation and APNS have nothing to do with your issue.
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Yes, an M2 Ultra chip can only have up to 192GB of RAM, but this Unified Memory Architecture and is different to how it works on an Intel chip. It's supposed to be more efficient, and Apple Silicon certainly feels faster than Intel chips.
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Do you have Screen Time setup on your iPhone? If so, is "Share Across Devices" enabled? You should be able to deactivate it on your iPhone and it should deactivate on the Watch, too.
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Replied In Xcode error
And what does the error actually say?!
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Right, so delete the one called "iOS 17.4 Simulator" and then click "Get" on the "iOS 17.4" item above. The same thing applies for "visionOS 1.1 Simulator".
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Honestly, I hope Apple keeps Automator around for years to come. I have a lot of Automator actions that I can't easily convert into Shortcuts. Also, Shortcuts lets me add Quick Actions like Automator does, but they don't appear in the Finder like the Automator ones do. I just tried it. I created a Shortcuts Quick Action, and it doesn't show up when I right-click something in the Finder. I added a new Automator QA, and it's there. Basically, if I got rid of those Automator Quick Actions I could not replace them with Shortcuts Quick Actions. There may be something I'm missing, but they don't work for me.
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It doesn't redirect to my account page for me. Sign into the Developer Forums, then go to
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Two things: These are the Developer Forums, where developers of apps for Apple's platforms ask each other for hints and tips on coding. These forums are not where Apple's actual developers chat about stuff. Your question is more of a product support one, so I'd suggest you ask it over at the Apple Support Forums.. It wasn't an "idiotic design" to have USB-C slots on your device. Either get a USB-C to USB-A adapter, or get a USB-C stick. Booting from such a stick is likely the right way to fix your issue.
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Yes, Apple are telling you that you're asking the user for their name but if they've signed in with Apple their name is already available. So, remove the request for their name.
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Show us a screenshot of the Platforms tab in your Xcode Settings. For me, I removed every simulator runtime except the shortest named ones, i.e. I removed "iOS 17.4 beta 2 Simulator" and left "iOS 17.4 Simulator" alone. Then I clicked on the "Get" button by the remaining items, and it worked.
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I have a banking app that just recently implemented something similar. It shows a black screen when you take a screenshot. That app was reviewed and released, so it seems it's okay for a banking app given that you could be exposing account numbers etc. otherwise. For your app, though, I'm not sure. Do you have information on the screen that a user shouldn't be allowed to save in a screenshot?