How can you be so sure ?
I ran grep -R "ecognizer" MyProject and there were zero results. Conversely when running the same command on my CocoaPods directory I got multiple hits. That grep command would also include anything in .storyboard files, so I am pretty confident in this.
If you're asking how I'm sure about the third party library not being the issue, then I'm less sure about this. I haven't found any open bugs with similar issues there though, and it's been around for 6 years now.
Have you a mean to extract a simplified project without the library ?
I am trying to do so and will update when I do. It’s very hard to know how long I should give it before guessing if the bug isn’t there.
To the other points:
does it happen wherever you tap on screen, or only on certain parts ?
check all the parameters of the tabBar (in IB). May be some size is too large and cover other parts of the screen ?
They don’t, but that would only make sense if the issue started appearing immediately, which it doesn’t. It takes some time to emerge.
did you debug the view hierarchy when running in simulator ?
I did, and the view hierarchy does seem to suggest the first tab doesn’t contain its image/label inside the content view, but on the same level of nesting. I don’t know what the ‘correct’ hierarchy looks like. Nothing else stands out.