
Post marked as solved
7 Replies
Hi Jim,I'm humbled and incredibly grateful that you spent so much time helping me through this. I learned a ton from your post and got to work through the problem over the weekend. I was super frustrated before and now I can move forward again. Thank you isn't a big enough word.I followed your directions using the ".sheet" technique and it worked great. The only issue is the .sheet view cut off the AR Quick Look built-in UI and I couldn't figure out how to make it go full screen, so figured out I could put everything in a ZStack and have my showingPreview @State toggle the ARQuickLook view on top of everything, using an if/then statement. if showingPreview { ARQuickLookView(name: "robot") .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all) } else { }Everything seems to be working with that except the Quick Look Preview interface's built-in escape button doesn't do anything. I don't see a way to connect it and have it toggle my showingPreview @State. It might be cheating, but I can cover it up by putting another escape button on the top layer of my ZStack. Does that sound OK or do you think there's a better way?Thank you, thank you again.-Dan