




NavigationLink stays selected after going back
Hi, I'm facing a problem where if I click a NavigationLink and then go back to that page, the item I just clicked stays selected. It's been pretty frustrating. Here is my code! Thanks :) struct EventsListView: View {   @EnvironmentObject var viewModel: OlympicGame       @State var showEditEvent: Bool = false   @State var showAddCustomPoints: Bool = false       var body: some View {     VStack {       GeometryReader { geometry in         VStack {           List {             Section(header: VStack(alignment: .leading) {               Text("Open:").font(.headline)             }                           ) {               ForEach(self.viewModel.eventsList) { event in                 if event.completed == false {                   NavigationLink(destination: EventInProgressView(event: event) .environmentObject(viewModel)) {                     EventsListItemView(event: event)                     .foregroundColor(                       .environmentObject(viewModel)                   }.listStyle(DefaultListStyle())                 }               }.onDelete(perform: delete)             }.textCase(nil)             if self.viewModel.eventsList.filter { $0.completed == true }.count > 0 {               Section(header: VStack(alignment: .leading) {                 Text("Completed:").font(.headline)               }) {                 ForEach(self.viewModel.eventsList.filter { $0.completed == true }) { event in                   NavigationLink(destination: EventInProgressView(event: event).environmentObject(viewModel)) {                     EventsListItemView(event: event)                     .foregroundColor(                       .environmentObject(viewModel)                                           }.listStyle(PlainListStyle())                 }               }             }                           if self.viewModel.eventsList.isEmpty {               VStack {                 Spacer()                 Image("SalmonLeaps")                   .resizable()                   .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)                   .frame(width: 300, height: 300)                   .padding(.vertical, 40)               }             }           }           VStack {             if self.viewModel.eventsList.filter { $0.completed == false }.isEmpty && self.viewModel.eventsList.filter { $0.completed == true }.count > 0 {               finishView()             }             pointsView(for: geometry.size)           }         }       }     }     .navigationBarTitle("Events")     .navigationBarItems(       trailing:         Button(action: { self.showEditEvent.toggle() }) {           EventsListNewItemView()         }         .padding()         .sheet(isPresented: $showEditEvent) {           NewEventView(isShowing: $showEditEvent)             .environmentObject(viewModel)         }               )   }   func finishView() -> some View {     NavigationLink(destination: EndScreenView().environmentObject(viewModel)) {       Text("🏅 Tap here to finish! Or create more events!").foregroundColor(.accentColor)     }   }       func pointsView(for size: CGSize) -> some View {     VStack(alignment: .leading) {       Text("Point Totals").font(.headline).padding(.horizontal, 30)       HStack {         HStack {           Circle()             .fill(viewModel.team1.color)             .frame(width: teamScoreCircleRadius(for: size), height: teamScoreCircleRadius(for: size))             .shadow(radius: 1)           Text(String(viewModel.team1.points))             .font(.system(size: teamScoreFontSize(for: size)))         }.padding()         HStack {           Circle()             .fill(viewModel.team2.color)             .frame(width: teamScoreCircleRadius(for: size), height: teamScoreCircleRadius(for: size))             .shadow(radius: 1)           Text(String(viewModel.team2.points))             .font(.system(size: teamScoreFontSize(for: size)))         }.padding()         Spacer()         Button(action: { self.showAddCustomPoints.toggle() }) {           Image(systemName: "plus").imageScale(.large).padding(.horizontal)         }         .foregroundColor(.accentColor)         .padding()         .sheet(isPresented: $showAddCustomPoints) {           AddCustomPoints(isShowing: $showAddCustomPoints)             .environmentObject(viewModel)         }.buttonStyle(PlainButtonStyle())       }.padding(.horizontal)     }         }   func teamScoreCircleRadius(for size: CGSize) -> CGFloat {     let x = min(size.height, size.width)     return x/15   }       func teamScoreFontSize(for size: CGSize) -> CGFloat {     let x = min(size.height, size.width)     return x/20   }           func delete(at offsets: IndexSet) {     print(offsets)     viewModel.removeEvent(at: offsets)   } }
Nov ’20
NavigationLinks are all combined into one
Hi there! I'm trying to separate my NavigationLinks because when I click a navigationLink, the entire VStack gets clicked but I only wan't one NavigationLink. Could someone help me fix this? var body: some View {     VStack {       GeometryReader { geometry in         VStack {           List {             VStack(alignment: .leading) {               Text("Open:").font(.headline).padding()               Divider()               ForEach(self.viewModel.eventsList) { event in                 if event.completed == false {                   NavigationLink(destination: EventInProgressView(event: event) .environmentObject(viewModel)) {                     EventsListItemView(event: event)                     .foregroundColor(                       .environmentObject(viewModel)                   }                 }               }.onDelete(perform: delete)             } //there's some more stuff down here
Nov ’20
Deleting in a ForEach with .filter
Hi! So the problem that I'm facing is that I'm splitting up a single array into 2 different ones using the .filter method. The problem is that when I try to delete from the "Open lists," it is confused because it deletes from the original, non-split-up eventsList. For example, if I make 3 list items and then mark the 2nd one as complete so it goes into the other list and then try to delete the 2nd one in open (which is actually the 3rd one), it deletes the 2nd one (which is in the completed section). I hope I explained that correctly... Here is my code for reference.. struct EventsListView: View {   @EnvironmentObject var viewModel: OlympicGame       @State var showEditEvent: Bool = false   var body: some View {     VStack {       GeometryReader { geometry in         List {           HStack { //other stuff           }           Text("Open:").font(.headline)//shadow(radius: 10)           ForEach(self.viewModel.eventsList.filter { $0.completed == false }) { event in             NavigationLink(destination: EventInProgressView(event: event)) {               EventsListItemView(event: event)               .foregroundColor(                 .environmentObject(viewModel)             }           }.onDelete(perform: delete)                       if self.viewModel.eventsList.filter { $0.completed == true }.count > 0 {             Text("Completed:").font(.headline)             ForEach(self.viewModel.eventsList.filter { $0.completed == true }) { event in               NavigationLink(destination: EventInProgressView(event: event)) {                 EventsListItemView(event: event)                 .foregroundColor(                   .environmentObject(viewModel)                                   }             }           }         }                 }     }     //other stuff was here   //MARK: Intents       func delete(at offsets: IndexSet) {     print(offsets)     viewModel.removeEvent(at: offsets)   } } Here is what my delete looked like in my model:    mutating func removeEvent(at offsets: IndexSet) {     eventsList.remove(atOffsets: offsets)   } My question is, how do I make it so that when I delete from one ForEach, it actually deletes the one that I tried to delete? Thanks everyone!
Oct ’20
GeometryReader alignment
Hello everyone. I am wanting to be able to adjust the size of buttons in a VStack based on how big the screen is but when I try to use GeometryReader, my buttons end up being on the left side of the screen. I am putting the GeometryReader outside of the VStack by the way. Another question: how can I navigate back to the previous screen as a result of pressing a button on one of my actionSheets? struct EventInProgressView: View {   @EnvironmentObject var viewModel: OlympicGame   var event: OlympicModel.Event   @ObservedObject var stopWatchManager = StopWatchManager()       @State private var showingActionSheet = false       var body: some View {     VStack {       if let description = event.description {         Text(description)           .font(.headline)           .opacity(0.70)           .padding()       }               if event.stopwatchRequested {         timer         Divider()         ScrollView {           ForEach(event.times.indices, id: \.self) { index in             HStack {               Text(String(index + 1) + ".")                 .padding(.horizontal)               Spacer()               Text(String(format: "%.2f", event.times[index]))                 .padding(.horizontal)             }             .padding(.horizontal)           }         }.padding(.vertical)         Divider()                 }       Button(action: {         self.showingActionSheet = true       }) {         Text("Finish").font(.title3).padding()       }         .actionSheet(isPresented: $showingActionSheet) {           ActionSheet(title: Text("Declare Winner for \("), message: Text("Who was victorious this round?"), buttons: [             .default(Text( {               viewModel.finishEvent(team: viewModel.team1, event: event)             },             .default(Text( {               viewModel.finishEvent(team: viewModel.team2, event: event)             },             .cancel()           ])         }     }     .navigationTitle(   } Here is the code for the timer variable on line 19: var timer: some View {       VStack {         Text(String(format: "%.2f", stopWatchManager.secondsElapsed))           .font(.custom("Avenir", size: 55))           .padding(.vertical, 80)         if stopWatchManager.mode == .stopped {           Button(action: {self.stopWatchManager.start()}) {             TimerButton(label: "Start", buttonColor: .blue)           }           Button(action: {             stopAndSave()           }) {             TimerButton(label: "Save and Reset", buttonColor: .red)           }.padding()           .disabled(true)           .opacity(0.0)         }         if stopWatchManager.mode == .running {           Button(action: {self.stopWatchManager.pause()}) {             TimerButton(label: "Pause", buttonColor: .orange)           }           Button(action: {             stopAndSave()           }) {             TimerButton(label: "Save and Reset", buttonColor: .red)           }.padding()           .disabled(true)           .opacity(0.0)         }         if stopWatchManager.mode == .paused {           Button(action: {self.stopWatchManager.start()}) {             TimerButton(label: "Resume", buttonColor: .blue)           }           Button(action: {             stopAndSave()           }) {             TimerButton(label: "Save and Reset", buttonColor: .red)           }           .padding()         }          } Where should I be putting the GeometryReader so that it doesn't align to the left? How have people been solving this in the past?
Oct ’20
Weird spacing with NavigationLink and NavigationBarItems
Hi everyone. I'm having trouble with a weird space that appears when I attempt to apply a NavigationLink to a view that has its own NavigationBarItems written inside of the struct. This is what my code looks like (but only pay attention to the NavigationView, NavigationBarTitle, NavigationBarItems stuff): struct ContentView: View {   @ObservedObject var viewModel: OlympicGame = OlympicGame()       var body: some View {     TeamCreateView()       .environmentObject(viewModel)   } } struct TeamCreateView: View {   @EnvironmentObject var viewModel: OlympicGame   @State var showTeamEditView: Bool = false       var body: some View {     NavigationView {       GeometryReader { geometry in         VStack {           Button(action: {             self.showTeamEditView.toggle()           }) {             VStack(alignment: .leading) {               team1View().padding()             }.frame(height: geometry.size.height * 0.45)           }           .sheet(isPresented: $showTeamEditView) {             TeamEditView(team: viewModel.team1, isShowing: $showTeamEditView).environmentObject(viewModel)           }           Divider()           Button(action: {             self.showTeamEditView.toggle()           }) {             VStack(alignment: .leading) {               team2View().padding()             }.frame(height: geometry.size.height * 0.5)           }           .sheet(isPresented: $showTeamEditView) {             TeamEditView(team: viewModel.team2, isShowing: $showTeamEditView).environmentObject(viewModel)           }         }           .foregroundColor(           .navigationBarTitle("Team Select")           .navigationBarItems(             leading:               Button("Back") {               },             trailing:               NavigationLink(destination: EventsListView()) {                 Text("Next")               }                  )         }       }               } struct EventsListView: View {   @EnvironmentObject var viewModel: OlympicGame       @State var showEditEvent: Bool = false   var body: some View {     NavigationView {       List {         ForEach(self.viewModel.eventsList) { event in           Button(action: {             print("Size of eventsList")           }) {             EventsListItemView(event: event)             .foregroundColor(           }         }         .onDelete(perform: delete)       }       .listStyle(PlainListStyle())     }     .navigationBarTitle("Events")     .navigationBarItems(       trailing:         Button(action: { self.showEditEvent.toggle() }) {           EventsListNewItemView()         }         .padding()         .sheet(isPresented: $showEditEvent) {           NewEventView(isShowing: $showEditEvent)             .environmentObject(viewModel)         }               )   }       func delete(at offsets: IndexSet) {     viewModel.removeEvent(at: offsets)   } } There is a weird space that appears between my NavigationBarTitle and the List on my EventsListView. Am I doing Navigation wrong? Could someone maybe show me how to do NavigationBarItems correctly? Here is a picture of what the space looks like: https://ibb. co/G745tWc (delete the space)
Oct ’20
Pulling apart a struct in another struct
Hi everyone, I'm trying to initialize a view that uses a another struct. I want to pull that struct apart so that I can use those parts to fill in some TextFields with some already existing data, if it exists. Here is what my code looks like: struct TeamEditView: View {       var team: OlympicModel.Team       @Binding var isShowing: Bool   @State var name: String =   @State var playersArray: [String] = team.players   @State var playerNameToAdd: String = ""   @State var color: Color = team.color   @State var mascot: String = team.mascot I get the error: "Cannot use instance member 'team' within property initializer; property initializers run before 'self' is available" TextField("Team Name", text: $name) I want to eventually put these vars into TextFields like this, so users can edit it. I'm not sure what I should do here. Could I get some help?
Oct ’20