
Post marked as solved
21 Replies
Looks very similar to what i'm doing, although I'm using the addressed flag, and 0xA5 with no data as the request doesn't require any params.Perhaps I'll have a play later with a few combinations and take out the addressed flag. Although the tags I'm using don't implement 0xAE, I'll try issuing that command - I'd expect to get an error other than missing entitlement if that's the case.Is this the only command you've tried?
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21 Replies
Thanks for the reply.It happens as soon as I call customCommand. I don't have an issue getting a reader session set up, or reading data from the tag using:getSystemInfo(requestFlags:completionHandler:)readMultipleBlocks(requestFlags:blockRange:completionHandler:)writeAFI(requestFlags:afi:completionHandler:)and a few others.It's as soon as I hit this method:customCommand(requestFlags:customCommandCode:customRequestParameters:completionHandler:)Would you mind sharing the commands you're using? I've tried A1 -> A5 and get the missing entitlements error.I've double checked my entitlements and have both TAG and NDEF for the entitlement.. Using beta 5 of both iOS and Xcode on an iPhone 8.
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21 Replies
Hi Behnaz,What did you do to get this to work? I'm on beta 5 and just tried this out, still seem to be getting the same thing... could you share what command you used? Have you tried in the latest beta to ensure the functionality hasn't changed?
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21 Replies
Great to hear! Thanks for the update, will keep an eye on the next release notes - guessing the next beta will come out next week....
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Thanks for checking so quickly Behnaz, it was on my list of things to do this evening as I've not got to downloading Xcode beta 3. Hopefully Apple respond to one of us soon...
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21 Replies
I did the same, reported a feedback and got nothing at all... Have you had any response yet, or have you been met with a wall of slience? Really annoying as it's public API with no warning of it in either the docs or the WWDC session video - perhaps it may change in beta 3 - here's hoping