Did your verification work in the past? My PHP-based receipt verification server has been working well for the past weeks, but suddenly stopped working yesterday. I can still verify receipts by bypassing my server and sending them directly to Apple, but that exposes my revenue to man-in-the-middle attacks.
Try to get your hands on more devices to reproduce. Invitations work most of the time with two real devices, often with three, and more rarely with four. Customers complained it didn't work with six, but I have not assembled that many for testing, yet. One of my test devices is my Mac with the Catalyst version of the app, where the effect is the same.
It is still happening on our apps as well. It has even worsened since iOS 13.4 and macOS 10.15.4 have been released. One group of players even reported that excluding iOS 13.4 devices from the game improved their chances of connecting. Our recommendation to focus on Game Center friends and avoid iMessage and Auto-Match seems to help as well.Simulators always behaved differently on GameKit than real devices, so your experiments might guide into wrong conclusions.We have reported the bug as FB7646205. Apple ignores bugs unless they have been reported many times, so you should report it as well.
Thanks, that's what I observed as well. Curiously you can still download updated files. If you extract them and then open a terminal window, you can still extract useful information with old-fashioned Unix commands. For instance, the following translates a current topic, albeit not one-to-one:% grep -A 1 virus *.lg
CoreEmoji.lg: parasite | microorganism | microbes | bacterium | amoebas | bacteria | pathogens | virus | amoeba | viruses | bacillus | germs | microbe | germ | bacilli | parasites | amoebae | pathogen | microorganisms
CoreEmoji.lg- Parasit | Mikroorganismus | Mikrobe | Bakterie | Amöbe | Virus | Parasiten | Mikroorganismen | Mikroben | Bakterien | Amöben | Viren
So, did you submit that app? May I remind you of the update to your post? Do IAPs on Mac Catalyst work with non-US accounts?