
Post marked as solved
2 Replies
Thank you Quinn “The Eskimo!” ! I appreciate you pointing out the problem which was right in front of me! The script is used by the project but should not be included in any targets. I removed the inclusion and it fixed the app export. :D Cheers! Claire
Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
I just created my first widget and have the same error. Does anyone have a solution?
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1 Replies
Any luck finding the problem? I am having a very similar problem.
Post marked as solved
19 Replies
I have a staticConfiguration Widget I wanted to convert to IntentConfiguration. I'm having the same problem in xCode 13.3.1. Cannot find type "MyIntent" in scope, type 'MyProvider' does not conform to protocol 'IntentTimelineProvider' "MyIntent" is found by the IntentHandler.swift class in the Intents Extension target I created but not the the Widget Extension target. The .intentdefinition file is included in the Widget Extension and Intents Extension targets. I have tried including it in the main app target and it doesn't fix the problem. I have followed the instructions in here: and here: a couple times each and always end up with the same error. I do have an objective C bridge file for library source which is not related to the widget or intent functionality. Any ideas? solutions? Claire