Doesnt work in Swift 5
It's sad that there is no easy way to do this. Even for just a simple title/subtitle. It should have been integrated into MapMarker and MapPin
Thanks! This works! Never really found this one. I have a question, URLSession.shared, is there no way to change its configuration? if I instantiate a new URLSession every request, is it resource heavy compared to using URLSession.shared? unless there is no choice.
I saw this. But I was wondering if there is a way to reuse my existing strings where placeholders are based on curly braces with index number as the order. e.g. "Hi, {0} {1}", "First", "Second" which results in "Hi, First Second". I guess this is not supported then.
I see. Any idea how to do this? Seems pretty hassle to have to convert a date object to a string and use DateFormatter to convert string back to date (Since you can set the timezone here).
I think I got a working prototype that is simple to get me started. My remaining issue is that content closure seems to accept only a view and nothing else. I cannot declare a variable. Is there a way for that? Something like
FetchUrlContentView(url: "", loading: true) { data in
let test = String(data.count)
By the way, just letting you know what I did. The View need not be supplied with the variable as long as I set it to nil upon declaration e.g. let someClass: SomeClass? = nil
LOL. That quick? I just recently installed this like a month ago. I am on 13.4.1. I didnt get any notification about updates though. Thank you, will upgrade.
This works!
Is there any way to have the left and right spacing be removed or adjusted? The gap is just too big.
I am still new to xcode. but where is Canvas? For now I only depended on the keystroke.