It works. thanks
I didnt think about that he he he. will check.
I was basing it in ny android code so i thought the Data object should be somewjat of json type.
hi @claude31 i udnerstand what you mean. o copy pasted the c ode as it is , i explicitly declar3d it because it is a subview that will be used in a for loop. i figured as a param reusing it will not be resource heavy. or is it the same as having GeometryReader in every struct like what you did
Sorry. I thought I could a q&a with this one but seems it is not so. Ill close this one since i did a different workaround. I used another non state variable once the state variable is updated.
the value works ok from the Child View. cityUrlId is set. and i dismiss the child view so i modify cityUrlId from the parent view and that is where the issue comes in. i do some prints in the setter it actually gives the correct value but the getter does not.
Thanks for clarifying. Got your hint. Documentation example is not clear and incomplete though.
Ok. that's what I did as workaround in the meantime. So there is really no other way for that except to change single to double quotes. I see. thank you.
Not an image, just json data. Hmm ok. But what is weird is that I can do this on the first try. It does not work if save the data when the key already exists. I tried to remove the key and add it but same result.
Having this setup means that changes will take effect for network and product. what if i want only properties in network to have objectWillChange.send() take effect? I do not want those in product to be rebuilt. if both of these are placed in 1 ObservableObject model, then all their properties gets rebuilt instead of just those in network
ill get back to you in a few days since im out of town now. i actually also tried the manual trigger to no avail but it looks like the way you did it is different from what i did.
ill check this one out and compare. thank you.
I also tried that. but nothing happens still.
@claude31 perfect! i used alignmentGuide instead.
work3d good. i us3d offset for the desired position
Hi @claude31 thank you. i will try this. hmmm maybe use .offset() to adjust the text to make it overlap between the line
Right. i confused myself with the value of the stepper and the array.