
Post not yet marked as solved
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Note that I've made a bug report
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11 Replies
At least from xCode 14, now it's in "Windows" menu, "Devices and Simulators". You can download an older iOS SDK and create a simulator with it.
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4 Replies
Note that I think the issue happen when the view is used in an IntentConfiguration (and everything works fine when used in StaticConfiguration). Note that I'm on xCode 14. Could it be an Apple issue?
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xCode 12.4 The text is visible to the location of the SKView that presents the SKScene. no problem with the SpriteKit Game template project = It should be something with my project / scheme
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17 Replies
Especially boring when you're trying to generate a lot of screenshots with fastlane
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54 Replies
same. No way to test with something else than iOS 14...
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34 Replies
Same issue for me. Removing iOs DeviceSupport fix the problem for the simulator but when running on a real device (connected to Xcode) it is really slow (stuck on launch screen).
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5 Replies
Do you have a kink to full documentation of setLocalizedDateFormatFromTemplate? I haven't found it already.
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I'm not sure this will work in all language / region
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3 Replies
Finally found the solution by myself with:extension Calendar { /// get a calendar configured with the language of the user static var localized: Calendar { let prefLanguage = Locale.preferredLanguages[0] var calendar = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian) calendar.locale = Locale(identifier: prefLanguage) return calendar } func unitTitle(_ unit: NSCalendar.Unit, value: Int = 1, locale: Locale? = nil) -> String { let emptyString = String() let date = Date() let component = getComponent(from: unit) guard let sinceUnits = component, value: value, to: date) else { return emptyString } let timeInterval = sinceUnits.timeIntervalSince(date) let formatter = DateComponentsFormatter() formatter.calendar = self formatter.allowedUnits = [unit] formatter.unitsStyle = .full guard let string = formatter.string(from: timeInterval) else { return emptyString } return string.replacingOccurrences(of: String(value), with: emptyString).trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).capitalized } // swiftlint:disable:next cyclomatic_complexity private func getComponent(from unit: NSCalendar.Unit) -> Component { let component: Component switch unit { case .era: component = .era case .year: component = .year case .month: component = .month case .day: component = .day case .hour: component = .hour case .minute: component = .minute case .second: component = .second case .weekday: component = .weekday case .weekdayOrdinal: component = .weekdayOrdinal case .quarter: component = .quarter case .weekOfMonth: component = .weekOfMonth case .weekOfYear: component = .weekOfYear case .yearForWeekOfYear: component = .yearForWeekOfYear case .nanosecond: component = .nanosecond case .calendar: component = .calendar case .timeZone: component = .timeZone default: component = .calendar } return component } }And the use is:Calendar.localized.unitTitle(.day) Calendar.localized.unitTitle(.weekofMonth) Calendcar.localized.unitTitle(.month)
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2 Replies
Do someone can confirm at least that before iOS 13 we can extract heart rate samples from HealkthKit ?