I did custom implement that auto-fill feature, would like to share
use it with
let data = AutoFillData(fName: "Jhon")
webView.evaluateJavaScript(data.createJSString(), completionHandler: nil)
It searches dom elements with name and id
struct AutoFillData {
var fName: String?
var lName: String?
var email: String?
var phone: String?
var shipAddress: String?
var shipCity: String?
var shipState: String?
var shipCountry: String?
var zip: String?
enum KeyNames: String, CaseIterable {
case first_name, customerFirstName,
last_name, customerLastName,
email, customerEmail,
phone, alternatePhone, phoneNumber, phoneNumber2 = "phone-number",
shipAddress = "ship-address", addressLine1, addressLine2,
shipCity = "ship-city", city,
shipState = "ship-state", state,
shipZip = "ship-zip", zip, pincode,
shipCountry = "ship-country", country
func getData(keyName: KeyNames) -> String? {
switch keyName {
case .first_name, .customerFirstName: return fName
case .last_name, .customerLastName: return lName
case .name: return [fName, lName].compactMap { $0 }.joined(separator: " ")
case .email, .customerEmail: return email
case .phone, .alternatePhone, .phoneNumber, .phoneNumber2: return phone
case .shipAddress, .addressLine1, .addressLine2: return shipAddress
case .shipCity, .city: return shipCity
case .shipState, .state: return shipState
case .shipCountry, .country: return shipCountry
case .zip, .shipZip, .pincode: return zip
func createJSString() -> String {
var str = ""
KeyNames.allCases.forEach {
let value = getData(keyName: $0)?.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) ?? ""
if !value.isEmpty {
var e = document.getElementsByName('\($0.rawValue)')[0];
if (e == null) {
e = document.getElementById('\($0.rawValue)');
if (e != null) {
e.value = '\(value)';
return str
This worked for me. didEndDisplaying denotes collectionView is now ready to scroll
firstTimeScrollClosure = {
collectionView.scrollToItem(at: indexPath, at: .centeredHorizontally, animated: false)
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didEndDisplaying cell: UICollectionViewCell, forItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
firstTimeScrollClosure = nil
You can define your async func like this
extension WKWebView {
func evaluateJavaScriptAsync(_ str: String) async throws -> Any? {
return try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { (continuation: CheckedContinuation<Any?, Error>) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.evaluateJavaScript(str) { data, error in
if let error = error {
continuation.resume(throwing: error)
} else {
continuation.resume(returning: data)