
Post marked as solved
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So to regain the functionality, I first set the Derived folder to be relative to the project so the build product does not end up going somewhere else. Then I add the "Products" folder to the project file and uncheck all the targets so it is a reference-only. The rub is that the non-debug is apparently built elsewhere. How nice to waste time hunting down the output of this too.
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@choosetylernol I’m not even getting that far. The docker setup fails on the Mac. I can get my accessory code to compile on the RBP though. I have a build system were I use Xcode to edit and issue build-compile-run from Xcode to the PI. Can you use the Xcode debugger with the Docker setup (assuming Docker set works)? Otherwise I am not sure it offers much benefit and not worth the trouble.
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@Documentation Engineer , so what you are saying is that a scene is a window on macOS?
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or is a Window a Scene?
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The rub with chip based security is that if the security model changes, your customers are stuck with a hardware solution that becomes potentially incompatible. With a software based solution, which I believe requires a server, then you relegate your customers to having to let the product talk to the public internet and having the public internet available at the time of setup. If your product works well on a closed network normally... not a good turn. We decided on hardware. This puts the onus on Apple to maintain backwards compatibility.