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8 Replies
I am so utterly frustrated by the fact that, 5 years after @Clete2 posted the sysdiagnose profile solution, that was still the only thing that worked for me. watchOS 10, iOS 17, Xcode 15... yesterday morning, I was debugging my Watch app just fine. Then it stopped showing anything in the console, but only for the Watch app, the iPhone counterpart logged normally. Clean derived data. Reboot Watch. Try again. Nope. Clean derived data, reboot Mac, iPhone and Watch. Give each one a few minutes to know they're alive... Try again, a few times. Repeat changing the order of reboots. Still nope. 5 years. Un-freaking-believable. Thank you again, @Clete2 !
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5 Replies
@stockholmelectronica I am currently experimenting with inheritance with SwiftData and I am not yet to the point to declare if it is or it is not supported, but I have verified that adding @Model to a subclass of a @Model class makes the compiler angry: Redundant conformance of 'Subclass' to protocol 'PersistentModel' Property 'backingData' with type 'any BackingData' cannot override a property with type 'any BackingData' Cannot override static method (for schemaMetadata(), included in the Macro) With the caveat of not knowing if data will be persisted yet, what I have established so far is that it seems to be needed to add an implementation of the following method to the subclasses, but I am not sure that calling super.init will be enough: required init(backingData: any BackingData<Question>, fromFetch: Bool = false) { super.init(backingData: backingData) } Update: I am stepping away from trying to use SwiftData with inheritance: after creating a @Model parent class and a subclass with the required init above, I tried adding to the App Struct the contextModel initialisation as follows: .modelContainer(for: ParentClass.self) .modelContainer(for: Subclass.self) but the app crashes at launch with Fatal error: Entity Subclass specifies Parentclass as its parent but no such entity was found in the provided types: [MyApp.Subcass]. I am not equipped to deal with this: Apple didn't make clear if it is supported, there's no documentation for this use case and it appear not to be how they want you to build things anyway, so it might be unwise to fight the system. Update 2: Okay, I realize I made a mistake setting up the modelContainer, the correct approach for multiple classes would be: .modelContainer(for: [ParentClass.self, Subclass.self]) But this doesn't change my conclusion, as now the app crashes at launch with the following error: Thread 1: "Property named 'uuid' in entity 'Subclass' conflicts with property inherited from parent entity 'Parentclass'"; I obviously declared uuid only in the parent class, which was kind of the point of using inheritance in the first place. The fact that all code samples had final class used for @Model should have been a clear enough signal, I'm afraid: feels this will fight me at every turn, time to stash and move on.
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111 Replies
This is unbearable. Apple needs a toggle to say Xcode "This app does not have a Watch component. I will never build Watch apps. Forget my Watch"
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12 Replies
Update: this morning DHL returned unannounced, still didn't have the labels and refused to pickup the DTK. Then, an hour later, returned again - this time bringing labels with them - and took my DTK. I must say, throughout the ordeal Apple's support was great; they clearly were badly supported by local partners they relied upon to handle returns.
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31 Replies
I have an update approved that I am withholding while I wait to deploy an updated schema to production, but I'm also experiencing this error. Any suggestions? Should I only wait?
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2 Replies
I am instead looking for a way to programatically close a window in Catalyst, but I can't seem to be able to find any resource about it...
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11 Replies
Following this Stack Overflow answer -, I have manually removed the NDEF entitlement and was able to upload my app to the App Store without the ITMS-90778 error I was experiencing. But this leaves me with a lot of questions... Why does Xcode add an entitlement that needs to be removed for uploading to the App Store? Is this a bug? Should I file a radar? I have now removed the NDEF entitlement. What will this cause? I am testing my app with a some cheap NFC Tags and everything seem to work, both reading and writing (and this includes the readerSession(_ session: NFCNDEFReaderSession, didDetectNDEFs messages: [NFCNDEFMessage]) NFCNDEFReaderSessionDelegate method that, as made clear by the name, handles the NDEF message of the tag), but have I maybe reduced the number of tags my app will be compatible with, by removing this entitlement? Another Stack Overflow answer - with some upvotes describes the need to also add an ISO7816 application identifiers for NFC Tag Reader Session key to the Info.plist file with a value. I didn't do it and my app seem to work, but again, is this necessary? If I add this, what happens? Thank you for all the informations you can provide, testing this in production is rather scary...
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89 Replies
I've received a report from a user using my app, which was also crashing on beta 8 with the same OpenGL-related bug, that beta 9 fixed things and now everything works fine again. I'll test it myself tonight, but it seems that Apple saved our bacon !
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89 Replies
I would not interpret the "Resolution:Potential fix identified - For a future OS update" feedback in some crash reports as confirmation that a fix will come in beta 9.
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89 Replies
That would be very useful.It also helps to specify in the radar bug report that there ore others reports already submitted for the same issue: mine was FB7276584 and I'm also aware of FB7281945.
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89 Replies
Using Feedback Assistant, I've just filed radar FB7276584, with attached crash reports and a sample project that reliably crashes on Catalina beta 8, but is stable with previous versions.
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89 Replies
H!Have you figured something out with your own app?I am experiencing the same crash, assertion failure: "((void *)0) == tsd-&gt;NSCurrentOpenGLContext" -&gt; %lld, in my own app on macOS Catalina 10.15 beta 8 (build 19A558d).My application uses VLCKit, which in turn relies upon OpenGL, to stream IP cameras; what is interesting, is that it does not crash when I launch and leave it be, but it crashes as soon as I switch to a different URL (which causes the current playback session to be terminated and a new one to be started).I tried performing the same operation using the latest VLC application (File &gt; Open Network) and the result is the same: it works the first time, crashes immediately with the next URL.What is worst, my own app attached to the Xcode debugger does not point to a specific part of my code, it just logs "Message from debugger: Terminated due to signal 9".I am very worried that Apple might have killed OpenGL sooner that expected, so any suggestions is very much appreciated.Thanks!