




Reply to Problem when trying to debug with lldb on new arm64 M1
Hi, I'm getting the same error: process exited with status -1 (this is a non-interactive debug session, cannot get permission to debug processes. when trying to debug an application remotely on a Mac Mini M1, using VS Code on a Windows 10 desktop. This used to work perfectly when the Mac mini was running Ventura, but after upgrading to Sonoma, remote debugging fails with above error. To make it work before, I had to do the following steps: sudo DevToolsSecurity -enable spctl developer-mode enable-terminal sudo dscl . append /Groups/_developer GroupMembership setup ssh connection via private/public key pair installed CodeLLDB plugin in VS Code Connecting to the Mac Mini with VS Code still works, applications are built on the Mac Mini, and do still run, just the remote debugging doesn't work anymore I looked at the steps described by @eskimo, and local debuiging using the command line lldb still works, so it's not entirely the same issue, though the error message is the same ... Any feedback appreciated, Thanks, Chris
Feb ’24