




Is it possible to compile a NEHotspotHelper project before Apple approve my API request?
I am now implementing a project which will use 'NEHotspotHelper' API on the platform 'Xamarin.forms'.I know that this API requires approval from Apple. So I have already sent the request and waiting for the response.I also know that before we get Apple's approval, the APP can not be uploaded to the App Store Connect.If I do the following settings and write the networking code in advance, is it possible to compile the project to the device(iPhone) and have some tests on the networking function?1. Apply for special approval.2. Modify the provisioning profile and add it to the Keychain(haven't got the newest approval, just choose the capability we need)checked with Access WiFi Information, Hotspot, Network Extensions, and Wireless Accessory Configuration.3. Update Entitlement.plist3.1 Set "" to true3.2 Enable "Access WiFi Information, Hotspot, Network Extensions, and Wireless Accessory Configuration".4. Update Info.plist4.1 set "Required background modes" with value "network-authentication"
May ’20
Requesting Hotspot Helper API Permission
Hi!I have requested permission of Hotspot helper API at March.But it was rejected.Team ID: 9HUAHCTA75Follow up: 732201734We are implementing an app which will need to show the SSID list to user.Even though there is no API which could directly perform SSID scan in APP.Based on information I survey through internet.With Hotspot helper API.I need navigate to iOS system Wi-Fi setting page first.Then I can get the SSID list in the APP.Is that right information?I would like to know why we are rejected.Do I need to supply more information? Or more detail info of my app?Look forword to your response. Thank you!
Apr ’20