We experienced this same crash as of iOS 16 and still in iOS 16.3.
Long pressing an Apple Pencil inside a UITextView (instantiated in code) causes Scribble to sometimes insert a long wrapped--almost 2 lines--of blanks, after which there is a short delay and crash with exception "...Inconsistent element cache state...".
This crash can be prevented by changing the layout manager of the UITextView from TextKit 2 (now the iOS 16 default) to TextKit 1, which is done strangely enough by simply accessing the UITextView.layoutManager property as described in Apple's source code:
// To ensure compatibility with older code, accessing the .layoutManager
// of a UITextView - or its .textContainer's .layoutManager - will cause
// a UITextView that's using TextKit 2 to 'fall back' to TextKit 1, and
// return a newly created NSLayoutManager. After this happens,
// .textLayoutManager will return nil - and _any TextKit 2 objects you
// may have cached will cease functioning_. Be careful about this if you
// are intending to be using TextKit 2!
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSLayoutManager *layoutManager API_AVAILABLE(ios(7.0));
NOTE that this does stop the strange insertion of the extra long blank lines, but instead just makes those blanks vanish when the pencil touches down again.