
Post marked as Apple Recommended
#if canImport(JournalingSuggestions) if true == false { //OBVIOUSLY this case will never "run" but SwiftUI still checks it, and therefore crashes the app //THIS STILL CAUSES A CRASH ON IPAD, if I want it to run i need to comment out. JournalingSuggestionsPicker { Text("Choose a suggestion") } onCompletion: { suggestion in print("suggestion:", suggestion) } } else { //Only getting here if I comment out JournalingSuggestions code cause CRASH Text("Would see this on iPad if I used the device idiom check instead of true == false") } #else Text("Only see this on simulator, when I don't link weakly, otherwise i cannot build to simulator no matter what") #endif
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#if canImport(JournalingSuggestions) just does not work. The code inside of it always runs. It doesn't matter if I mark the framework as optional in build phases. I doesn't matter if I provide the manual linker flag. Anything inside #if canImport(JournalingSuggestions) still executes on iPads. This is BEYOND problematic because it doesn't MATTER if I use the device idiom to check if it's on an iPad or a phone. Because SwiftUI runs that code no matter what. The binary will always crash because #if canImport(JournalingSuggestions) does not block execution. And besides, the linker flags solution DID NOT fix the simulator issue. Same exact issue. This is a massive problem.
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This did not fix it @sha921 @eskimo
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This did not fix it for me. I did all of this. Now I can't even build on simulator.
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2 Replies
Right. So I specifically am not using it in visionOS. It's just a sample package. I have 5 or so that cannot be used on visionOS. The app builds fine. I've put in the necessary #if os(iOS) and #if canImport(Etc) The problem is with SwiftUI previews. Not with a package.
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6 Replies
Wow this is really quite a problem. Why on earth could we give out promo codes for a subscription but not for non consumables???
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4 Replies
I created a huge data store while I've been building with Xcode. On one of my devices, I downloaded the TestFlight version.. which runs the prod version of CloudKit db. I assume thats the trouble but yeah now I get thousands and thousands of CoreData: debug: CoreData+CloudKit: -[PFCloudKitSerializer applyUpdatedRecords:deletedRecordIDs:toStore:inManagedObjectContext:onlyUpdatingAttributes:andRelationships:madeChanges:error:]_block_invoke(1021): Failed to find matching objectIDs for <CKRecordID: 0x2823541c0; recordName=BFE5B0E0-E4BC-4151-B64F-771AF271DE6C,> / <CKRecordID: 0x2823542c0; recordName=B342EDDF-8F2A-4496-B5AB-BEF29AF4018C,> in pending relationship: 0x9eebd60aabec84c2 x-coredata://1DE90E1A-C7CF-4963-B10F-60142BFFCFD7/NSCKImportPendingRelationship/p11489 After trying to reinstall it via Xcode
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4 Replies
I created a huge data store while I've been building with Xcode. On one of my devices, I downloaded the TestFlight version.. which runs the prod version of CloudKit db. I assume thats the trouble but yeah now I get thousands and thousands of CoreData: debug: CoreData+CloudKit: -[PFCloudKitSerializer applyUpdatedRecords:deletedRecordIDs:toStore:inManagedObjectContext:onlyUpdatingAttributes:andRelationships:madeChanges:error:]_block_invoke(1021): Failed to find matching objectIDs for <CKRecordID: 0x2823541c0; recordName=BFE5B0E0-E4BC-4151-B64F-771AF271DE6C,> / <CKRecordID: 0x2823542c0; recordName=B342EDDF-8F2A-4496-B5AB-BEF29AF4018C,> in pending relationship: 0x9eebd60aabec84c2 x-coredata://1DE90E1A-C7CF-4963-B10F-60142BFFCFD7/NSCKImportPendingRelationship/p11489 After trying to reinstall it via Xcode
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3 Replies
I'm getting the same thing, except I'm using Catalyst. Which doesn't enable me to use NSApplication. I have no idea how to fix this
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5 Replies
This is really frustrating. I’ve been trying to figure out if I can scale my transfer rate because it looks like I’m being throttled, but I can’t find anything.
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I'm seeing this issue as well. Did you ever figure it out?
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4 Replies
I'm seeing this issue as well. Interesting that it might be TestFlight causing it. Attempting to sign out to see if it works..
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I've only been able to get it to work if I wrap everything in a ForEach. Definitely seems like a bug
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8 Replies
I'm seeing this exact same issue. I haven't had success getting this to run at all. And its in a NavigationStack/View which has always been the "you need to do this first" thing that everyone responds to on stack overflow. Its broken as far as I can tell
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Bump this would be nice to do