HiI have an app that I've released a couple of versions from, and it's being used in both testflight and from the app store.When I go to Xcode -> Organizer -> Crashes or Energy I see absolutely nothing. I know that chrashes have occured and the app is using a lot of battery when running.If I go on to a device (installed through app store) -> settings -> MyApp I dont have a "share data with developer" option. Do I need to enable something somewhere in xcode in order to get crashes and energy logs? It would be sufficient if I could just get it for testflight installs, but currently I do not get any logs at all.I've gone through the points in "if no crash reports"https://help.apple.com/xcode/mac/current/index.html?localePath=en.lproj#/dev9a80ab71dI have:Xcode: 11.3.1iOS: 13.3.1 Iphone 8And can't find any reason why the reports are not showing. The clients are all version 13.xx so they should be supportedCan any of you suggest what could be wrong? Why am I not getting anything in the organizer, and why dont I have the option to "share data with developer" in the apps?