Thank you very much for your post. I have exactly the same issue which haunted me for months. Looks like a bug in watchOS 6 because the issue isn't happening on watchOS 7. Disabling the 2 options you mentioned in step 3 prevents my app to crash on launch.
Nov 2020 Update
Forgot to mention important bits, we set ENABLE_TESTABILITY to YES, and we build DEBUG for testing.
The issue remains.
Hi @haptic.
My data source looks following:
@Published var dataSource = [CustomIdentifiableHashableStruct]()
struct CustomIdentifiableHashableStruct: Identifiable, Hashable {
	// Contains bunch of string lets
I have tried to add Codable, Equatable conformance but it didn't fixed the compilation error.
I have not found a solution yet, so instead I just changed UX of my app to use another tap confirmation mechanism rather than ActionSheet, it works even better now.
I don't think there's a way, I have asked the same question here
Writing this question gave me a realisation how to solve it. Instead of running action block immediately from the confirmation sheet, run it in onAppear block in the main view.UpdateI have tried this approach and it did not work, it seams onApper is called too early and I get the same error. 😕
Hello, you are not alone, I am experiencing the same issue. I have not found a solution yet.Overall the rest of tutorial worked for me, sometimes I needed to run the app in Simulator, like, for navigating between list and detail views on the watch app, the Canvas just gave me a white screen.I found one typo in Step 6 of "Creating a watchOS App".> Select the WatchLandmarkView.swiftShould be WatchLandmarkDetail.swift