--- This post is easier to read with BBEdit and C++ colouring.---
We get strange problems with breakpoints appearing after migration (MacBook x86_64 Sequoia to Mac M3 arm64 Sequoia).
We have kept our app on the MacBook and experimented no problems.
We use clang++ and lldb.
Xcode is installed but we use only CommandLineTools (no XCode project) -- and git on our lab forge.
After using the Apple migration tool, we got many problems in compiling and link-edit, in particular for dylibs.
We uninstalled all these tools and reinstalled them, using Homebrew for llvm and lld, and from AppleStore for Xcode.
We also added to our CPPFLAGS -arch arm64 -w -g -O0.
We use 'make' recursively (in principle, 0 or 1 Makefile per folder.
Our app crashes unexpectedly:
without lldb:
...Serveur: serveur.out
stop reason = EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x1000c662c) at descripteursDeNoeuds.cpp:947:15
with lldb:
...Serveur: lldb serveur.out -arch aarch64
(lldb) process launch
Process 2081 stopped
thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x1000c6388)
frame #0: 0x00000001000c6388 serveur.out`creerDescrDLING(m=1, bImpr=false) at descripteursDeNoeuds.cpp:947:15
We can set breakpoints, but the location is OK relative to some files, and "pending" for the file where the crash seems to occur.
...Serveur: lldb serveur.out -arch aarch64
(lldb) target create --arch=aarch64 "serveur.out"
Current executable set to '/Users/boitet/ariane-y/Ariane-Y_prog_2013/Moniteurs/Moniteur-AY/Serveur/serveur.out' (arm64).
(lldb) br set -f initDling.cpp -l 150
Breakpoint 1: where = serveur.out`initDling(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::__1::allocator>) + 1336 at initDling.cpp:150:30, address = 0x00000001000e0ebc
(lldb) br set -f descripteurDeNoeuds.cpp -l 886
Breakpoint 2: no locations (pending).
WARNING: Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations.
(lldb) br set -f descripteurDeNoeuds.cpp -l 947
Breakpoint 3: no locations (pending).
WARNING: Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations.
(lldb) br set -f initDling.cpp -l 153
Breakpoint 4: where = serveur.out`initDling(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::__1::allocator>) + 1364 at initDling.cpp:153:23, address = 0x00000001000e0ed8
(lldb) br set -f descripteurDeNoeuds.cpp -l 912
Breakpoint 5: no locations (pending).
WARNING: Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations.
(lldb) br set -f descripteurDeNoeuds.cpp -l 3344
Breakpoint 6: no locations (pending).
WARNING: Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations.
==> We can set breakpoints in the caller (initDling) but not in descripteurDeNoeuds.cpp.
==> Here, we set 2 "normal" breakpoints at lines 150 and 153 of initDling.cpp, and they work well: normal stop, step-over
==> descripteurDeNoeuds.cpp contains 1 master procedure (creerDescrDepuisNoeud) that calls more specific procedures (like creerDescrDLING)
==> continuation
(lldb) process launch
Process 2081 launched: '/Users/boitet/ariane-y/Ariane-Y_prog_2013/Moniteurs/Moniteur-AY/Serveur/serveur.out' (arm64)
"==============> main (du serveur)
... $$$ 4: initDling: créer les descripteurs de nœud des nœuds de cet arbre
$$$ 5: initDling : --> creerDescrDepuisNoeud(j=1, 0x14a068000), i = 1, gauche(j) = 2, droit(j) = 1, benj(j) = 1
Process 2081 stopped
thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
frame #0: 0x00000001000e0ebc serveur.out`initDling(nomFich="../../../INCL/fichInitDling.arbDS") at initDling.cpp:150:30
147 /*** <-TRACE / }
148 149 /**************************************/
-> 150 rc = creerDescrDepuisNoeud(j, paxml);
151 /**************************************/
152 153 / ->TRACE ***/ if (tr>1) {
(lldb) th step-over
$$$ 4: creerDescrDepuisNoeud (mPar = 1, pAxmlPar = 0x14a068000)
$$$ 5: creerDescrDepuisNoeud -- boucle : nomBalise = DLING, strTempo = ANNOTATIONS, trouve = 0, k = 482
$$$ 5: creerDescrDepuisNoeud -- boucle : nomBalise = DLING, strTempo = Corpus, trouve = 0, k = 483
==> strange EXC_BREAKPOINT
indNOEUD : 1
adrDESCR : 105553137336320
"==> arrêt forcé, descripteurDeNoeuds.cpp -l 966: on attend 1 seconde
"==> et on exécute 'n = n / 0;' avec n = 20... mais on a ENSUITE :
"==> stop reason = EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x1000c662c) at descripteursDeNoeuds.cpp:947:15
==> The instruction 'n = n / 0;' mentioned in the message is NOT executed as it was commented out (line 964).
==> There is no division by 0 in this code.
==> the last 3 lines of the trace are produced by cout instructions, at lines 962--965
==> system-originated EXC_BREAKPOINT, at a wrong line (947) in any case!
Process 2081 stopped
thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x1000c6388)
frame #0: 0x00000001000c6388 serveur.out`creerDescrDLING(m=1, bImpr=false) at descripteursDeNoeuds.cpp:947:15
944 if (pAxml->lAttr.benj(i)) fini = true; else i = pAxml->lAttr.droit(i);
945 } // while (!fini)
946 // Imprimer le descripteur si le 2° paramètre (booléen) est vrai
-> 947 if (bImpr || bDescr) // breakpoint set -f descripteurDeNoeuds.cpp -l 947 ne va pas
948 { cout<<"--------------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
949 cout<<"--- DescrDLING("<<m<<"), "<<"pDescr="<<pDescr<<" ---"<<endl;
950 cout<<"codeBalAY : "<codeBalAY<<endl;
==> but we are at line 966, not 947
==> And at line 967, there is nothing special:
if (bImpr || bDescr) // breakpoint set -f descripteurDeNoeuds.cpp -l 947 ne va pas
{ cout<<"--------------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
cout<<"--- DescrDLING("<<m<<"), "<<"pDescr="<<pDescr<<" ---"<<endl;
==> continuation, interruption and backtrace
(lldb) p (bImpr || bDescr)
(bool) true
(lldb) p bImpr
(bool) false
(lldb) p bDescr
(bool) true
(lldb) (bool) true
(lldb) bt
thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x1000c6388)
frame #0: 0x00000001000c6388 serveur.out`creerDescrDLING(m=1, bImpr=false) at descripteursDeNoeuds.cpp:947:15
frame #1: 0x00000001000dd710 serveur.out`creerDescrDepuisNoeud(mPar=1, pAxmlPar=0x000000014a068000) at descripteursDeNoeuds.cpp:3406:41
==> After that, we are blocked, no step or continue instruction works. Then we quit.
We could not find this exact subcode (0x1000c6388) on the Web.
We found a post mentioning a similar problem, with another subcode (0x100308448).
But the author worked under Xcode, and we don't.