




"Adjustable. Swipe up or down with one finger to adjust the value" is in a wrong language
An app I am developing has settings to change a language inside. To put it simple, let's assume I use my phone in German and have set the app language to English. There's a slider with the accessibility trait "adjustable". The problem is that VoiceOver reads English mixed with German using an English voice. The whole message when the slider becomes focused is something like "Your slider. Chosen value: one. Einstellbar. Zum Anpassen des Werts mit einem Finger nach oben oder unten streichen." I tried setting accessibiltyLanguage and implementing my own gesture recognition of swipes. Nothing helped. Do you know any solution?
Dec ’21
Why doesn't VoiceOver want to focus on any app element?
Hi! I'm just asking for ideas why VO rarely but still decides to stop working with my app? I mean it focuses on status bar and no gesture is able to switch it back into the app. I noticed it always works perfectly with the login/registration views but fails with the views Inside navigationController. First it works partly - it recognises my top bar with a title, a search bar and so on but sees neither a table view nor a tab controller below. Maybe? it's connected to the fact every view inside navigationController has in viewWillAppear this code: if UIAccessibility.isVoiceOverRunning {             DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.8, execute: {        .layoutChanged, argument: self.navigationController)             })         } Suggest please what could be the reason.
Mar ’22