




Reply to MusicKit subscription page crashes
I have investigated a similar crash in my app before and noticed that it occurs when the options are changed while the subscription offer view is being displayed. If the values passed to the following options are changed while the offer view is displayed, it will probably crash. .musicSubscriptionOffer( isPresented: $viewModel.isShowingOffer, options: viewModel.offerOptions ) In my case, it crashed when the playback song was switched while displaying it.
Sep ’23
Reply to Cannot Play Stations on iOS 16.1 Beta
I am experiencing the same problem on iOS 16.1 beta 5 in my environment. I have also submitted a feedback ticket as it seems to be a critical issue. FB11679063 My app was recently released and station is an important feature. I would appreciate it if you could fix this before the official release of iOS 16.1.
Oct ’22
Reply to Incorrectly Decodable response for MusicItemCollection
Hello @JoeKun, I am also having trouble decoding the chart data. I was able to get a MusicItemCollection with the same implementation as you described above. However, the following error occurs when trying to get nextBatch. let data = try await albums.nextBatch() keyNotFound(CodingKeys(stringValue: "data", intValue: nil), Swift.DecodingError.Context(codingPath: [], debugDescription: "No value associated with key CodingKeys(stringValue: \"data\", intValue: nil) (\"data\").", underlyingError: nil)) How do I get nextBatch about a chart? I thought it might have something to do with the fact that the resource collection is an array, so I added it here.
Mar ’22
Reply to How to start playback of System Music Player?
Hello @JoeKun, We will investigate this issue and try to resolve it in a future version of iOS. As it turns out, a very similar Feedback Assistant ticket has already been filed; its number is FB9674648. I am the one who submitted the FB9674648. I have asked about the current status in the feedback above but have not received a response. Do you know what the current status is regarding the above? iOS 15.2 seems to have the same behavior. Best regards,
Jan ’22