




Command CompileStoryboard failed with a nonzero exit code. Xcode 10.1 on Big Sur BETA6
I am using Xcode 10.1 for an Objective-C project t that requires the Swift3 3rd party library. When I tried to build the project in Big Sur BETA6, I ran into a problem with the title. In addition, the following errors are also found Command CompileStoryboard failed with a nonzero exit code Command CompileXIB failed with a nonzero exit code I had a similar error on AssetsCatalog, but it went away after I re-set the icon. I tried updating the StoryBoard, but the results were the same. I tried cleaning with Command + Option + Shift + K, but the result was the same. I usually work with macOS Catalina + Xcode 10.1. I was able to build with this combination with no problems. I tried Xcode 11.7 + Big Sur BETA6 environment, and in this case I can build the project without any problems. I know it's a BETA period and I'm using an old development environment, so I don't blame you, but has anyone else been able to solve a similar issue?
Sep ’20