Hi Quinn! Thanks very much for the reply. It is reassuring to know that I can let the older certificates expire, as long as I have a newer one. That has been the source of considerable confusion – I wasn't sure whether that would cause my existing (released) apps to stop working, so I kept making new certificates, and I guess ended up with way too many. :-O
I'll try cleaning out my Keychain Access stuff some time when I'm feeling particularly brave. :-O
The remaining question I have is: is there any way to ever get Xcode's "Delete Certificate" menu item to be enabled so I can clear cruft out from there? I have literally never seen that menu item undimmed, and I have looked/tried many times. Should I file a new issue on this, do you think? Is this documented somewhere? (I've tried looking for it, to no avail.)
Hi Quinn! It's that time again; I got the email I dread from Apple, "Your Developer ID Application Certificate will no longer be valid in 30 days". And as usual, I can't figure out what to do. Your new post, linked in your last comment, is great, but I remain mystified by the practical aspect of how to get things to work. If I look at my account on developer.apple.com, at the "Certificates" page, there are five "Developer ID Application" entries. I think I only need one; I'm a solo developer with no complexity to my situation whatsoever. I see no way, on that page, to delete the unneeded ones, though. So that's one question.
Another question is: the expiration dates for these are all in 2025 or 2026, except for one, which expires 2024/03/21. I guess Apple is warning me that that one Developer ID Application Certificate is going to expire; but the other four are not going to expire any time soon. So, is there a problem, or not? Should I just let four of them expire, until I'm just left with one? Or will that cause problems for me?
And then the third question is about Xcode. If I open Settings and click Manage Certificates, Xcode shows five Developer ID Application certificates – but none of them are the ones shown at developer.apple.com, and they are all expired. Four of them are dimmed, and say "Not in Keychain". One of them is not dimmed, and has an expiration date of 12/14/21 – the distant past. When I right-click on them, the context menu has a menu item, "Delete Certificate", but that option is dimmed for all five of these expired certificates. How do I get Xcode to bring itself up to the present? I tried downloading a Developer ID Application Certificate from developer.apple.com and dragging into that panel in Xcode, but the drag just bounces back.
And my fourth question is about what I see in Keychain for these certificates, which seems to be a morass of expired/invalid cruft. Should I try to clean it out? If so, how? Or is it OK that it is just gradually filling up with more and more stuff that seems to be broken? Is there a documented procedure for basically starting over from scratch, clearing out all the cruft, and getting a clean working configuration?
These are the sorts of questions that I always have, and I can never find answers to them in any of the info Apple has posted online, including your posts. All the info online seems to be at a pretty conceptual level, and I more or less get the concepts – for a solo developer like me, it's not really that complex conceptually – but getting it to actually work is a whole 'nother matter. I live in fear of these expiration emails from Apple, and I'm terrified that I'll somehow ***** up and won't be able to release software any more. You're the only person at Apple who seems to be willing to communicate about this stuff at all; I've tried the official developer support channels and their responses always basically RTFM, but TFM doesn't answer the questions I have. Help!
Found a fix:
CGContextSetInterpolationQuality(myBitmapContext, kCGInterpolationNone);
Turns out setImageInterpolation: gets ignored now, but CGContextSetInterpolationQuality() still works. My guess is that Apple changed the NS-level behavior because interpolation is so fast nowadays that it's no longer really a performance optimization, which seems to be how they were thinking of it. But the CG-level behavior gives you what you ask for.
Did you find a solution? I'm hitting the same issue.
Aha. Apparently Apple's page is WRONG. Aargh. To build Universal you need to have Xcode 12.2 or later, not just Xcode 12. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64466156/xcode-12-0-1-and-12-1-do-not-build-universal-applications
(Oh, and "macOS 10.15" is the only macOS choice available under Base SDK, so I don't seem to have a choice regarding that setting.)