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Hello, i am currently trying to implement a pre build script execution in a package. I am using this tutorial to implement it. But it only shows how to use the pre build feature with an already existing feature. I want to execute a skript on my pc every time i build the project. I can't use apples prebuild skript feature in the build settings because it is a package. Right now my code looks like this: import Foundation import OSLog import PackagePlugin @main struct GenerateLocalizer: BuildToolPlugin {     do {       let commandlineOutput = try shell("./")     } catch {     }     return [.prebuildCommand(displayName: "Generate Strings", executable: PackagePlugin.Path("./scrips/"), arguments: [], outputFilesDirectory:]   }   func shell(_ command: String) throws -> String {     let task = Process()     let pipe = Pipe()     task.standardOutput = pipe     task.standardError = pipe     task.arguments = [command]     os_log("%{public}@", log: log, task.arguments?.joined(separator: " ") ?? "not found")     task.launchPath = "/bin/zsh"     task.standardInput = nil     try     let data = pipe.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile()     let output = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!     return output   } } and my Package file looks something like that       name: "CustomSdk",       dependencies: ["CustomSdk-Objc"],       path: "CustomSdk",       exclude: ["Info.plist", "CustomSdk.podspec"],       plugins: [         .plugin(name: "GenerateLocalizer")       ]     ),     .plugin(name: "GenerateLocalizer",         capability: .buildTool(),         dependencies: ["CustomSdk-Objc"]     ) It gets called properly but when want to write files in my "" it only says: Operation not permitted. Anyone got any ideas how to fix this or is there another way to utitlize custom scripts with custom packages? Greetings Ben
by benkai.
Last updated