
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
I have a similar issue. You can start to look further into your problem by attaching to the WebView via Safari on the Mac, and look exactly at what is happening. Add if #available(iOS 16.4, *) { webView.isInspectable = true } to your debug build to enable inspection
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31 Replies
Ha there been any update? I have tried two USB readers and opensc, but the card never seems to be read
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2 Replies
Thank you for your reply. Loopbacks and further experimentation, as well as reading code from .Net and Android got me the solution: let symmetricKey = sharedSecret.withUnsafeBytes { rawBufferPointer in var sha = SHA256() sha.update(bufferPointer: rawBufferPointer) let digest = sha.finalize() return SymmetricKey(data: digest) } return symmetricKey My biggest question here is: Is this x9.63 or hkdf, and I am simply using these functions wrong? Or is this derivation method missing from CryptoKit?
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Answering to myself: Works as designed The trick here is that INFOPLIST_PREPROCESS = YES, and that the defines are in the preprocess header. To make it work like about, turn off INFOPLIST_PREPROCESS. What I actually was is to keep it on, get rid of the .xcconfig files entirely, and use <key>SharedGroupName</key> <string>SHARED_GROUP_NAME_IOS</string> which solved my primary problem
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3 Replies
This warrants the remark that now anyone who has the App can see your mysupersecretapikeyvaluehere, and it is now public
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6 Replies
Can anyone explain what is happening? Why is Xcode giving this error in the first place, and why is CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED a fix for it? I mean, if the original error is not a mistake, then it sounds like a hack, and there should be a better solution
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2 Replies
It seems the path to the file change after a re-launch: The prefs say …/Containers/Data/Application/25E88AEC-9B14-48E9-A7BF-3F93C05AFCB8/Documents/Sample.quizlist When I get the path to the documents folder after relaunch, it is …/Containers/Data/Application/DA18292E-D744-41FF-A98B-A2085E9F4318/Documents/Sample.quizlist I assume this is a feature, not a bug. But why? And where is it documented?
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The problem was the local firewall …
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No, we are facing a similar issue. Is the sound file leading to a vibration though?
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I have put my current results at It would be cool if anyone had an Idea how that would work without a C-Wrapper
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2 Replies
For starters, -static solves that. However, the executable crashes: // Setup the parameters to print hello world // and then call the Kernel to do it. start: mov X0, #1 &#9;&#9;// 1 = StdOut ldr X1, =helloworld // string to print mov X2, #13 &#9;&#9;// length of the string mov X16, #4 &#9;&#9;// Mach write system call 4 svc 80 &#9;&#9;// Call Mach to output the string // Setup the parameters to exit the program // and then call the Kernel to do it. mov&#9;&#9; X0, #0&#9;&#9;&#9;// Use 0 return code &#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;mov&#9;&#9; X8, #1&#9;&#9;&#9;// Service command code 1 terminates this program &#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;svc&#9;&#9; 80&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9; // Call Mach to terminate the program .data helloworld:&#9;&#9;&#9;.ascii&#9;"Hello World!\n"