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I should add that the user was located in Central time which is -5 hours from UTC. Since the observed delay was 5 hours and 4 minutes, I wonder if there is an issue with time zones and message delivery to our app. If you remove the 5 hours component we end up with a 4-minute delay which is still not ideal but in line with what we've seen on those other events. Also, the watch was running watchOS 10.2. To be clear, though, the vast majority of our users are located in the continental U.S. and we haven’t seen similar multi-hour delays from their devices. I have updated the feedback with this information as well.
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Thank YOU for being responsive to all of this! The team can feel free to send us either flowers or a lump of coal, depending on how they feel about getting these :) FB13788575 submitted.
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Reporting back from the feedback so others can note, this appears to be fixed for an upcoming watchOS release. Thanks to the Watch system team to being attentive to this issue.
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Confirmed, this appears to be fixed now. I appreciate the follow-up and follow-through. Definitely a step in the right direction for developer relations.
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A note to anybody still following this: as of 2 days ago, Apple is now signing 17.3.1 again, making downgrading iPhones possible. This is a partially effective temporary fix for this issue. Unfortunately, I don't know if the IPSW for 10.3.1 is available for download and being signed, or how to go about applying it to a watch. 15 minutes of Googling wasn't helpful. Anybody have ideas?
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Thanks again for the quick followup. Feedback FB13692821 submitted with a sysdiagnose attached.
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We also want to know this. The new interface doesn't seem to be making the same logs available. This is especially problematic for watch apps and extensions which don't have robust 3rd party tooling options for crash reporting while in development.
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It sure does! Xcode beta team take note: your built-in documentation needs to be updated!